Upgrade weekend - diffuser, t-track and dust hose management

Hi Patrick, yes I was convinced of that myself but after multiple versions of brush for my Kent CNC dust shoe I was close to throwing in the towel and buying or building a version of the SuckIt shoe in the hope it would deliver the efficiencies I was looking for. The original brush for the Kent CNC shoe was far too stiff. I tried other similar brushes with limited success, cut up several different mouse mats, rubber strips, varying thickness of vinyl and pvc sheet, and most recently craft foam. The latter had good results but I was still getting blowout when the dust shoe came to the edge of the cutting piece.

Before I clicked the ‘buy now’ button for a SuckIt I stumbled on a post in the forums talking about air diffusers (link). I thought I would give it a try and was amazed at the improvement.

I think the fact that the air is still being circulated within the KentCNC shoe helps to make sure dust is kept mobile, but it’s not being blasted directly from above, allowing the shop-vac to collect it. That’s the theory anyway, but either way it seems to be working and I don’t need to buy another shoe. The build quality of the Kent CNC shoe is very, very good and if they ever make a softer or more flexible brush for it I’ll be ordering one.

Cheers, Jon