Upgraded X-Carve Pro Dust Shoe

Please feel free to delete if I’m not allowed to post something for sale on here.

I recently designed an upgraded X-Carve Pro dust shoe. The factory dust shoe could benefit from a redesign. It is very restricted and sometimes clogs up with chips. This new dust shoe is a major improvement over the factory dust shoe. With the overall larger design, it is far more efficient at collecting dust and chips. It’s designed with flow improvements, accepts a 2.5” hose, and utilizes the factory mounting location.

Key features:

-2.5” OD connection to fit hoses or adapters that are 2.5” ID

-Removable brush half, with features built in to keep it from coming dislodged during use.

-Improved flow and efficiency

-Uses factory mounting location

Listed on Etsy for $119

Can purchase directly from me on here for $105. Send me a message if interested.

To purchase on Etsy, please visit my page: TexasCNCDesigns

If you wanna sell some, how about giving us a price here?

Thanks for the recommendation, I just edited the post to include the price.

Too bad this doesn’t fit the XCarve. that dust shoe sucks also. A lighter weight and lighter design show would be terrific. But, like all things x Carve, Inventables has turned its back on the products and consumers that made their company and they are off to bigger and questionably better things.

I think your design is terrific.

I’m going to seriously consider this product.

I HATE the stock shoe. Always clogging and always breaking loose (from hitting clamps, etc…).

Your design looks to address the first problem.

  • Am I seeing it correctly, does yours’ have a smaller bit opening (I find myself taping foam sheets on top of the stock shoe to reduce the opening because too much vacuum pressure is lost out the top, and thus chips escape).

  • can you explain the removable brush portion?

  • Have you, or anyone else considered a redesign to the mounting so as to mount it to the spindle so that it raises up with the bit and thus protect it from ramming clamps and breaking the mount?

  • lastly, have you - or anyone else considered a 4" version? I currently have two different dust collection systems in my shop, a traditional 2-stage high-volume / low pressure cyclone system for my machines, and a high-pressure / low-volume 2-stage cyclone vacuum system in 2-1/2" that is currently hooked up to the X-Carve Pro. I question if the problem is the dust shoe, or if the machine makes too much (and too large) chips for the effectiveness of a vacuum style system, and if perhaps if needs to be hooked to the traditional high-volume system. Just thinking out loud here.


Hi Joe,
Yes the dust shoe does solve the clogging problem, that was my biggest issue with the original which led me to design this one.
And yes the bit opening on top is considerably smaller but I made sure to leave enough room for large surfacing bits.
The removable half comes in handy when changing bits and using the touch off block. But the magnets are very strong and there are a few raise features around the perimeter and in the center which keep horizontal forces from knocking it off.

I didn’t have a desire to design a spindle mount dust shoe because I was always concerned about how it would get too close to bottoming out on the top material surface when I make deeper cuts on say a 2x10. But it could be something I might consider offering in the near future.

I do offer a 4” adapter now after many request.
I also just started offering 2.5” and 4” clamps for the swing arm, I am working on getting those added to the store in the next few days.

Simply put Duct tape over the opening and run the bit thru it. Works perfectly

Happy New Year! Thank you for supporting my business last year. To start the year off I am clearing out some dust shoes that have small cosmetic defects from the 3D printing process. I have 5 of them, all of these will still function the same and have no negative side effects. They mostly just have one or two rough spots that made me feel like I couldn’t sell them at the full price. Here is the link to purchase them at the discounted price. Message me if you would like pictures detailing the cosmetic flaws. These are selling for $90 shipped. Adapter sizes are extra.

Upgraded Dust Shoe with Cosmetic Defects

Hello Kyle,

I wanted to send a few first impressions of your dust boot (shoe). If you are like me, you are always looking to learn and as a result, improve. I hope that you take the following impressions in this positive light.

I have not installed it yet, so I cannot comment on its performance (I will send a message after I’ve had a chance to put it through its paces).

My first impression is that it is well thought out and designed. The plastic appears to be tough enough to take on the task for which it is designed. Again, time and use will confirm or refute this impression. I will comment after a thorough testing.

What struck me most is the MUCH larger dust shoot within the boot itself. Without even using it I can tell that it MUST be better at pulling dust and shavings off of the workpiece. For those reading this, the opening is MUCH - MUCH larger, and frankly impressively so. If you have had trouble with clogging in the stock boot - as I have - you will appreciate this. Again, time and use will deliver the final verdict, but first impression is - kudos!

Now for a few suggestions for possible upgrades / new versions

#1: consider making the pipe to which the hose attaches 8" longer/taller. As currently designed, the boot attaches at the base in the designed location, but the top connection point holds the hose via a Velcro strap rather than the boot itself, which being plastic is more rigid. If the pipe was 8" longer/taller, the Velcro could be eliminated, and a snap clamp (not sure if that is the proper term) similar to the one that comes stock could be used - (albeit in the 2-1/2" size). There is a clear advantage to this clip, that being ease of install/deinstall, as well as rigidity. This should in no means be viewed as a design flaw, having the pipe at its current length is not a major drawback, only that if that pipe were 8" longer/taller I believe that it would be an improvement.

#2: taller/longer “broom” at the bottom. One of my complaints to the X-Carve Pro approach to dust collection is that it is stationary to the work surface, rather than tracking the spindle (up and down). YES, I am fully aware that there are clear advantages to this current design in terms of dust collection, in that it is always in contact with that from which it is collecting dust. The most glaring disadvantage to this design however is the fact that there is very little clearance for clamps. I have torn the boot off of the bracket more than I can count as the boot comes too close to a clamp, even though there is ample clearance for the bit. There is a metric ton of epoxy on that clamp from the myriad repairs (yes, an exaggeration, but still…)
I have often thought that the simplest solution would be to double the length of the nylon “Broom” at the bottom, and then just mount the boot higher on the bracket). I have considered more than once buying the material and retrofitting, but with the massive ‘to-do’ list in front of me, this has never made it to the top of the list.
Enter your boot. It has an even lower ‘broom’. This I believe to be a step BACKWARD from the stock boot design. Again, I have not yet put your boot through its test runs yet, but at first glance, I REALLY, REALLY wish that the nylon 'Broom" at the bottom was triple even quadruple the length as it currently is so as to provide more clearance over and around clamps (perhaps there is an advantage to this shorter design, but at first glance, I cannot see one).

#3: please consider adding either carbon to the plastic to make it conductive (I do not do 3-D printing, so I do not know what that would do to the strength) or consider imbedding some coper wire into the plastic, to which the wire of the collection hose may be attached for grounding purposes.

One of the MAJOR design flaws of the stock dust collection set-up is its lack of grounding. Anyone who has used the stock system for more than a half hour knows the high voltage static that is generated. For safety’s sake, this MUST be rectified. I ‘fixed’ this problem the first week after installation/set-up, by wrapping the hose with bare copper wire, and running two parallel pieces of bare copper wire into and down the dust boot.

For anyone that does not know about the dangers of high-voltage static electricity combined with fine wood dust combined oxygen - AKA carburation (HIGHLY flammable / explosive) need only watch a few videos of wood shops burning to the ground to realize that this is SERIOUS.

I have a high-pressure / low-volume central dust collection set up connected to my X-Carve Pro, and as I could not find all metal 2-1/2" piping, I used PVC HOWEVER, I grounded it thoroughly with dual wires running inside the pipe AND wrapped the pipe with bare copper wire. Grounded at each connection and every end, as well as at the collector. Thus, the dust boot is the weak link. I will be doing to your boot that which I did to the stock boot, which is to say, properly grounding it.
Again, I do not know if embedding carbon is possible, but as you were able to embed the magnets for the front skirt, I suspect that with a little thought, it would be possible to add some coper wiring to help bleed off the generated static electricity.

With all of this said, I want to close with the comment that at first glance, I am convinced that your design is vastly superior to the stock boot/shoe, so I hope that you do not take the above suggestions/comments to be negative feedback, quite the opposite. If I thought the boot/shoe was junk, I would simply have said so and returned it and/or thrown it away.

One final note, As I have not had a chance to put it through its paces, I cannot say if I yet value two of the other upgrades that you incorporated into your design, but I suspect that I will. These being #1 the smaller bit opening at the top. I have often considered making a set of replaceable rings to fit into that opening on the top of the stock boot to reduce suction ‘waste’. Clearly you too have thought of this. I still wonder if replaceable ‘rings’ might be even better, but clearly your boot will have more waste which MUST improve suction.

#2 the removable front skirt. Until I can get a chance to use it and find out how useful it is, I cannot say with clarity, but I suspect that this will be helpful for bit changes. How nice will it be if I discover that I can change bits without having to remove the boot/shoe??? I will report back after having had a chance to use it for 30+ days.

NOTE: I purchased the 2-1/2" hose design. I did so purely because I already had my high-pressure / low-volume collector plumbed to the CNC. At some point in the future, I may run a leg of my High-volume / low-pressure collector to that area of the shop, in which case I will buy your 4" model and give it a go. I suspect that is the better of the two options, but did not want to wait until I found the time to run more dust collection piping.

Thank you again.

All my best,


Hey Joe,
I appreciate your time for compliments and suggestions. I will take them into consideration. I have considered offering longer brush lengths and will probably implement that option soon. If you would like to try and upgrade the current brushes here is the link to purchase them. The current brushes are just slid into the channel, they can be a bit difficult to remove and replace due to the radius they have to go around. 2” Brushes I do believe you might lose a little performance with the longer brushes but that will be a trade off for the ability to safely go around clamps. In my case I don’t have this issue because a use a vacuum hold down table, but I can see it being an issue. If you end up wanting to upgrade to the 4” version in the future send me a message and I can sell you just the adapter.



Thank you VERY much for the link. I may do exactly that and then to come comparisons and if so, I’ll be sure to report back my impressions.

I am seriously considering adding a composite Nailer to my tool arsenal to eliminate clamps. Of course, that won’t always be an option. I am very interested in a vacuum hold-down option, and as soon as I can get my “to-do” list down to manageable, I may do some serious research. Thus, any suggestions/advice and/or what you like/dislike about the system that you are using would be greatly appreciated.

Again, thank you for the upgraded boot/shoe, I’m hoping to get the time to install it this week - next at the latest.

All my best,


Having used this upgraded boot for a month now, I thought that I should do a follow-up review.

there is only one way to say it: I’m BLOWN AWAY!!!

the stock boot sucks up about 75% +/- of the dust and chips created by the X-Carve Pro. My biggest complaint with the OEM boot is that the suction channel is too narrow and as such often it would build up ‘bird’s nests’ within the boot as larger shavings can’t get through, and then smaller chips/shavings pile up on that ‘net’. I’ve been using this new boot for about a month now and have yet to have ANY clogging whatsoever.

What is more, I accidentally neglected to turn on my dust collection the other day. I was working away on something else as the X-Carve Pro did it’s thing - making all kinds of chips, shavings, and dust, and leaving them all over the project. About 10-15 minutes later I walked by and realized what I had done, I quickly turned on the dust collection. By the time that the carve was complete, it had not only cleaned up any and all new dust, shavings, chips, but all of the previously created debris, including that which was packed down in pockets and grooves. There was some left in an area that had already been carved that the spindle did not go back over. Just to test it, after the carve was complete, I jogged the spindle back over that area, this thing SUCKED everything out of the pockets and grooves that had been packed full from the previous passes.

IMPRESSED barely covers it!

Ever have a carve near an edge where the boot is mostly over the edge, and have dust and chips fly all over the wasteboard?? Not with this thing!!! I stood there simply amazed as it actually pulled dust that had already been lying on the waste board from a previous project!!!
When I HOME the machine, if I leave the dust collection on, it actually pulls dust up off of the metal lip in the front (the OEM boot simply cannot come close!!).

(Full disclosure, I am running a 1HP high pressure/low volume Onieda Dust Cobra for my collection, so the OEM boot was the weak link. I could hear the collector strain with that single gate open. With this boot I’m able to take full advantage of that collector’s capability.)

Just yesterday, I accidentally left the front ‘skirt’ off after having taken it off to use the z-probe. The suction was such that it STILL did a better job than the original boot used to!!!

Speaking of that front ‘skirt’, when I bought this, I did not think that it was necessary and that it likely wouldn’t get used. I always take the boot off between carves making changing bits, and z-probing easier, and then replace the boot. It had just become routine. Well, after being able to z-probe with the boot in place, I’M ADDICTED!!! I take the boot off half - or less - of the time now. What a time saver!!!

As mentioned above, there are a few design improvements that I think would make it better, but they are VERY minor, and in no way a deal-breaker.

Simply put, this boot… well… I have to say it… SUCKS!!!
(in a VERY GOOD way!!!)

One potential down-side is that it appears to be 3-D printed, and so of course the plastic can never be as strong as injection molded. One of the hose clamps to hold the hose to the overhead beam broke when I tightened down the set screw. This is NOT a problem, because it was shipped with a couple extra, and so I still have two unused. Which means that Kyle thought of that possibility. So time will tell how well it will hold up with daily use.

In the perfect world, Inventables would either partner with Kyle, or buy the design from him outright and then have it injection molded to replace the current OEM boot (which leaves quite a bit to be desired).

I may or may not add longer brushes - per my previous conversation - just to see how that works and provide more clearance for clamps, but I’m considering going away from clamps altogether (as mentioned above), so I have made no decisions on that front.

In closing, my advice to anyone frustrated with dust collection on their X-Carve Pro - BUY THIS BOOT!! You won’t regret it.

Note: I have ZERO financial interest in Kyle or his company. I paid my hard earned money to buy this boot, and would do it again without hesitation - zero regrets!

All my best,
