Using gSender or OpenBuilds with X-Carve Pro

Our makerspace purchased an X-Carve Pro several months ago. Until recently, it has worked great with Easel, gSender and OpenBuilds Control. A week ago, both gSender and OpenBuilds Contol lost communication with the X-Carve controller. gSender will connect to the controller on the Com port (3), but the communication won’t take place. So, I can’t home or jog the machine. OpenBuilds Control won’t connect at all. Easel still works fine.

After talking with Inventables support, I reloaded the firmware using the Arduino IDE, but it still won’t work with the other g-code sender apps. I even connected a different Windows PC in the event there was a hardware issue with the USB/Comm interface. No luck.

The only thing I haven’t done is replace the USB cables or put ferrite chokes on both ends of the USB cables. Has anyone else experienced this issue? Any thoughts or suggestions on why this would quit working after months of use?

First thing I did today was put some ferrite chokes on the USB cable and it didn’t solve the problem. Then, I dropped the baud rate to 57600 and gSender began communicating with the X-Carve Pro controller. While I didn’t run any gcode, I think this has solved my problem.

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