V bit size and simulate time


i tried to search the forum but couldn’t find the answer to my question.

I’m carving at 0.3mm deep in acrylic and when i select a 90 degree bit and simulate the path there is a significant difference in time when i select a 1/8 bit or a 1/4 inch bit and 1/4 inch or 1 inch wide

I’m so confused since it doesn’t matter on the depth i’m working on.
Right now i select a 90 degree 1 inch wide bit since that has the shortest time to carve.

I would really like to know why that is? is it a software issue or am i just missing something and is the software right?

thanks in advance

Have you checked the toolpaths for differences after simulating? If you have pocket areas being cut out and you are only using a V-Bit, the wider V-Bit will remove more material on each pass whereas the smaller V-Bit would likely need to make parallel passes to get the same width.

One should always select the bit being used. To be precise, you should measure every bit you use with calipers to get the width. V-Bit angles and tip flat spots (if not a true point) should be measured and input into Easel as well. This will help to ensure the most precise cuts possible.


Brandon Parker

Hey Brandon,

I understand that v bit angles and tip flat spots will change the path and time, but I’m talking about 2 identical v bits except the width.
Up to the widest point of the smallest bit there shouldn’t be a difference in what path it will take and how long it will take and yet in the program there is a significant difference.

I added some pics to clarify it.
You can clearly see that with the smaller width easel calculates way more paths then with the bigger width and that can’t be true for a carve not deeper then the smallest bit.

Please make me understand this because it is driving me nuts. :slight_smile:

V bit 90 degrees 1 inch

V bit 90 degrees 1:8

The difference occurs when the carving depth reaches the height of V-Bit. Given a specific angle and having both bits be exactly the same angle, the wider bit will have a deeper cut that makes an entire V. That is straightforward geometry/trigonometry.

Maybe a picture will help?


Brandon Parker

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The step-over for V-bits are based on a percentage of max width of bit.
Wider V-bit = wider stepover.