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Wow that is a lot of funding.
Can anyone explain the (Series C ) and the (Round)?
Inventables says most of the funding this round will go into Easel, the company’s web-based design platform.
That’s exciting to hear!
Wow. I had no idea. This is good news for us, I think.
Good news only if you use Easel.
I am looking forward to this I like Easel and yes I haven’t made the plunge yet to v-carve. For folks with no CNC background like me it was easy to learn and so far I have been able to make everything I have set out to make. And the best part is it was affordable, it works, and this group on the forum is awesome for assistance when it is needed.
Could not have said it better myself
“… the company is working to make the technology compatible with more third-party machines.”
In other words, bye bye XCarve. We’ve already bid farewell to the Carvey. Hello to adding functionality to the XController and other 3rd party platforms.
Now…if Inventables could just refine the interface with the suggestions we’ve made over the last 2 years….
This is good news, for Inventables, of course, but also in the way of answering questions I have about the product line and my woodworking business future (one reason why I joined the forum). So, glad to be here for more reasons than one!
A round is seed capital…$2MM in this case to get the idea off the ground and into a prototype ready for launch.
B round is execution capital, 2 rounds one of $5MM and one of $3MM to prove out the idea, get is sold and make sure the stuff works.
C round $11.5 MM is for scaling the company, could be acquisition, in our case its getting Easel better and multi platformed (that’s really hard by the way)
I chose xcarve simply because of its low start up cost and it’s compatability with Mac computers. I’ve dabbled in cnc equipment as I am a machinist by trade. So far the easel software has done everything I could have asked. I hope the development of easel makes it even more useable. Whether it be For my custom xcarve or another comparable machine makes no difference to me.
Well said! I am looking forward to seeing what they do, for a hobby machine you cant beet the X-carve!