First time cutting this SVG and I’ve come across a problem. There seems to be a line between the first pass and the second pass of the roughing cut. I’m using a brand new Spe 1/8 down cut bit with the Easel recommended settings. I’m following that up with a new Spe 60-degree V-bit for the finishing pass. Chips are coming out nice and it appears that everything is working properly. Is there something that I’m missing?
Looks like your xy zero may have been lost or moved during the bit change.
Thanks Wayne,
I guess that is a possibility. I did re-probe after changing the bit but maybe there were some chips under the probe or something. I’m going to recarve the piece but pay a little more attention to getting the zero right.
@ClaudeGoode Wayne was referring to the X,Y zero, not the Z zero… However it is possible that all 3 are off from bit to bit.
Here’s the official 2 bit method.
However IF you do this you can skip the whole locking button and re-homing process.
Oh and IF this Xcarve has the newest Z axis, then it’s also possible that you’re hitting the lower limit of travel with the V bit resulting in that lip…
Is this the Standard X-Carve or the X-Carve Pro you’re using?
Thanks Seth! I misspoke. I was confusing the X,Y axis and the Z. I am going to re-carve to see if I can be a little more careful when changing the bits to prevent moving the spindle and messing up the zero. Thanks for the videos.
Wayne and Seth,
I re-carved paying close attention to not disturbing the position of the spindle when changing the bit and it carved perfectly this time. Thank you both for your help. I really appreciate the more experienced woodworkers out there helping the new guys like me. It’s people like you that makes this community what it is. Thanks again!