What does the Lock Motors / Unlock Motors do?

Hi, I have seen the options to Lock or Unlock the motors on the Jog screen but have been hesitant in trying them for fear of not knowing what they do or why?
Would they Lock the motors for when changing bits, so that the carriages don’t move? Because that does happen to me a lot when changing bits, I tighten the chuck fairly tight, but then sometimes when undoing the chuck the carriage moves and I lose my x-y position, it’s very frustrating.

That is what it is for but you would be better off to change your $1 setting to $1=255. Changing it to 255 will hold the steppers whenever they are on.


The buttons are discussed in this tutorial https://inventables.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360012453174-Two-Stage-Carves-Roughing-and-Detail-Carves-

However i are with Wayne 1000% here
Do the grbl setting Change AND the dip switch chang and you’ll never need to use those buttons.


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