What is the Extrusion type?

I’ve tried searching for this but can’t find an answer. I can order T-Slot Nuts locally but I’m not sure if they will be the correct ones. Can anyone tell me if European Standard Series 20 is the proper size I need for the X-Carve extrusions?
Thank you,

That should work, most of them are M5.

if they are the size of these then they should work. (The ones INventables sells are not the same thickness.)
What your looking for is the outer dimensions so they slide. They make M4 and M5 versions.

Thank you, @ErikJanssen. I had assumed they would work but wanted a bit of assurance before putting out the $$$.
Thanks @StephenCook. I ordered some of those today and will find out if they are applicable in a couple of weeks or so. I will give the results once they arrive and I get to try them out.

Thanks for taking the time to reply, Phil.
Much appreciated!! :thumbsup:

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