When clicking raise the bit, The bit goes down rather than going up

When clicking raise the bit, The bit goes down rather than going up. What might be the problem.
the following is my grbl code. Is something wrong here.?? please help…
$0=40.000 (x, step/mm)
$1=40.000 (y, step/mm)
$2=188.976 (z, step/mm)
$3=10 (step pulse, usec)
$4=250.000 (default feed, mm/min)
$5=500.000 (default seek, mm/min)
$6=96 (step port invert mask, int:01100000)
$7=255 (step idle delay, msec)
$8=10.000 (acceleration, mm/sec^2)
$9=0.050 (junction deviation, mm)
$10=0.100 (arc, mm/segment)
$11=25 (n-arc correction, int)
$12=3 (n-decimals, int)
$13=0 (report inches, bool)
$14=1 (auto start, bool)
$15=0 (invert step enable, bool)
$16=0 (hard limits, bool)
$17=0 (homing cycle, bool)
$18=0 (homing dir invert mask, int:00000000)
$19=25.000 (homing feed, mm/min)
$20=250.000 (homing seek, mm/min)
$21=100 (homing debounce, msec)
$22=1.000 (homing pull-off, mm)

Mine did that too. If you go through the machine setup in Easel, there is an option to reverse the axis direction. Once I did that, everything has done well since.