When using VCarve how do you move the machine

Stupid question, how do you get Vcarve to work on the xcarve. What program do you need to home, and move the spindle or even home it and zero it?

Vetric VCarve is a design-only software. You can generate the GCode from your design in VCarve, but you will need to choose a GCode sender and use that to send the GCode file. Also, make sure you choose the correct post processor for VCarve.



Brandon Parker

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please explain more send it where to easel? What do you mean post processor? Im new to this and im lost in the sauce.

scratch that thank you

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I was going to say I just put castors on my machine and can move it regardless of the software program but then I thought better of it. And will say download the easel post processor from the easel help screen and put it into the vcarve application folder for post processors. You can then save your vcarve file as gcode that will run in easel.

VCarve has its own sender called VTransfer. It is optionally installed when you install VCarve. If you didn’t install it the first time, you may have to reinstall the program to get it onto your computer.

It’s not the greatest, and it is very basic, but it works.

Here is the “user guide”.

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I do not use Vetric software and was thus unaware of VTransfer. Interestingly, they do not even mention it on the VCarve landing page.

Here is a link to the V10.5. I think there is one later version of VCarve, but I did not see that version of VTransfer documentation.


Brandon Parker

I’ve asked other vcarve users about vtransfer, every one said after touching it once they went back to UGS the same day :man_shrugging:

Second hand info since I don’t have vcarve either :man_facepalming:

Yup, it is just a bare-bones sender…


Brandon Parker

I agree with Seth, I’ve been using vcarve pro for years along with UGS . the software has the post Prosser list, make sure you pick correct Prosser .

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Do you have a xcarve? Or are you past it and into like something industrial

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yup, getting ready to get something better

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You might consider looking into CNC.JS.org That’s what I use with X-carve and vcarve 10.5 post processor is the easle one in vcarve… It’s quite capable Including simulations and can do keyboard jogging of the xcarve Gantry… It runs local and does not require Internet to operate

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@JonathanBaltodano ,

Create your toolpaths with VCarve, save the paths. They’ll be in a different file type.
Load into Easel, and on the top, click Project, then click “Import g-code”, then click the files that exported.

You won’t be able to change anything, but then you’ll just click carve.

CNC.org a software program for import or is a motion controller program

I don’t think that link takes you where you think it takes you…
That Said, Check out OpenBuilds Control

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