Where did the simulate button go?

here is another likely stupid question, but since this is 2024, and no one makes user manuals any more, and searching the internet does not provide an answer< here I am.

I am attempting to find the ‘simulate’ button. It does not appear on the screen, and I have no idea where it goes to hide, or how to bring it back.

can anyone tell me how to bring the ‘simulate’ button back to the screen?

thank you


Hi Joe,

Can you post up a screenshot, or describe what you are seeing?

I have a computer in my shop that I use for a lot of things. I find that when I get too many programs running and my memory usage gets up over 60%, that Easel stops showing me the detailed view.

Try closing out all browsers, and reload it, or just reboot the computer (Shutdown, restart). I typically have to do this every week to ten days.