Where is my joging machine?

I suddenly lost access to “carve” and “jog machine”. Only “export” is visible. What am I doing wrong?

Easel is not able to communicate with your CNC machine, and that is why your only option is Export.

What kind of connection do you have to your CNC? Do you use WebControl or some other sort of wireless connection, or do you have a physical USB cable?

If you have any other software that communicates with your CNC machine open, Easel will not be able to talk to the machine. I have this problem all the time. Only one carving software can communicate with the CNC. If I have UGS open and connected, Easel will not talk to the machine and vice versa. Close out all other programs, and only use Easel.

I see that you are using a beginner test file. Have you set up your machine in Easel? If you click on Machine in the toolbar, it should pop up with a box and identify your machine. If it does not, you need to Set Up a New Machine.

Hi Jordan!

Thanks for the explanation. I will examine the usb connector and see if I can get a better connection with the cnc machine. I have had a longer break since I last used my cnc machine.

Previously, when I lost contact between computer machine and cnc, “carve” and “jog machine” changed from green to blue color, can’t remember that they have disappeared :slight_smile:

I have connected a “new” computer to the cnc machine, I will try with the old computer and see if I succeed in making a connection.

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