What’s the best bit to use for carving a shallow area on a 1/8 piece of basswood?
How big is the area? I’m sure a 1/8" upcut bit would be fine.
How are you securing the 1/8" piece?
Tape and glue is probably a good way to secure the thin wood.
The middle may bow if clamps are used.
Thank you, Russell…I will be carving quite a lot of different sections which will near about cover the entire thing. I guess I could use a thicker piece of wood; just don’t want it too heavy. I think my 1/8 bit is a down cut. Is there a particular type of tape/glue I should use if I decide to go with the 1/8" wood? Something like the picture shown.
I use CA type super glue to adhere onto a backer board like that. I prefer the gel type so it’s not runny.
The 3M Original blue tape works good, I haven’t used the CA spray glue but hear good things about it. I use super glue or the Gorilla Glue that Seth mentioned.
You’re going to need a smaller bit to cut a pocket for those tiny letters.
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