Windows 7 computer and easel

Evening all,

been a few months since I used my x-carve. I just logged into easel and it requires I update the driver to 0.4.0. Now it won’t find my machine, and the website says easel supports windows 10 or higher. I tried going back to an older driver version, but as soon as I try to connect to the machine, it requires the driver update. Is easel restricting what computer I use now? Is there a work around, as I am not really interested in buying a new laptop at this time…

Easel has always had limitations to operating system compatibilities. The old drivers will no longer function, so even if you could get them, they won’t work.
The work arounds are:

  1. Download the Gcode and use a different Gcode Sender that is Windows 7 compatible.
  2. Upgrade to Windows 10/11 (Windows 10 upgrade should be free going from Win7)
  3. Get a new PC with Windows 10/11

Thanks for the reply, Seth. I was afraid of this. I use this computer in the shop to run 3D printers, lasers and up until now, the x-carve. Guess it’s time to do a bit of IT work and get this backed up, and upgraded.

Well, what i do is use easel to design, then go to project>download gcode.
Then open that gcode with openbuilds control (which works with windows 7) and send the gcode to the cnc using that… if you don’t want to go through the trouble of updating the OS…

Again, thank you very much! I will check out Openbuilds, looks like a great control software.

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This control also required windows 10 however I need some more help need please
now I am using 1.0c this version not working in control. Can give me what version of grbl do I need to use openbuilds control what are the setting should change $$ can provide me numbers if you already using I want to jog from mobile and set zero and pause/resume - Thankyou

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