setting up a work bench for the 1000mm xcarve this weekend. I’m figuring on a 4 x 8 plywood top. is this adequate? or over kill?
also, does anyone have any suggestions for how many electrical circuits to bring over to it? I’ll have dust collection close by, I’m putting that on its own circuit along with the shop light. so is there a need for more than one circuit at the xcarve itself.
lastly (for now) should i make this bench mobile or stationary?
thank you
I made my table 49" X 72" and with the piece that I had left over I made a pull out drawer. Some people use a mobile work table but I prefer a stationary one. Once I got my table built I secured the X-Carve to the table. If you roll the table to a spot that isn’t level then that will cause problems when cutting. 1/32" is a lot when you’re cutting out stars.
One circuit will be fine just for the XController and router.
Good Luck
thank you
1000x1000 here. 4x8’ ½ inch plywood, fixed. Love my setup. My bench is tall, 46” vs. standard 40-41” because I am tall. If I could I would add another 4’ length to it, and probably 2’ more in width. I have graduated to 2 monitors (laptop and large screen), which take up more space… Seems the bigger the station is, the more stuff you acquire on it. Luckily I had made my workbench solid (probably 200#) years ago, so it’s a stout thing. My $.25 cents.
very nice looking set up. I started framing my table in at 4x8. using 3/4 plywood and am beefing it up quite a bit. it’ll be fixed I decided. thank you for your response