X Carve Pro initial set up stuck on step 13

I have read the other posts about this issue and none are solving my issue. Well, I’ve set up my xcarve pro and am stuck on step 13. I’ve verified that the spindle moves in all of the correct directions and then hit the “start homing sequence” button. The spindle rises, taps the zed limit switch and then begins to move to the front left. It gets all the way to the front of the y axis but stops about 1/3 the total distance of the x axis from the left. I have exited the set up and went into the machine inspector. There the x axis circle is clear, the y axis is a green circle and the zed axis is clear. Below that line, under “ z probe status the contact is green. I sent the command $H and the spindle moved a few inches further to the left.
I have depressed the zed axis limit switch and observed the indication on the screen light up green when contact is made, then return to clear when the contact is broken. The error code I received is ALARM: 10. I’ve looked that up in the suggested reference guide, but found that the alarms only reach 09. As it’s a Saturday, I know I’ll have no lunch with tech support, and am hoping I might get some more clues from y’all. Thanks very much in advance.

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