XCarve Pro connects, but doesn't move

My XCarve Pro connects to the controller, shows green in Easel, but doesn’t respond to the move commands for any axis.

Prior to this, I was attempting to use a G Code file for a 3D project built in VCarve Pro for the first time. The spindle turned on, moved to the start position, then stopped and almost snapped my bit when it was trying to move. I hit the emergency stop on the controller, and reset it just fine. Now it’s completely dead in the water.

I want to change over to Universal G Code Sender, but I’ve had issues with it in the past controlling the CNC.

Hi Sean, I may have had a similar thing happen on my fox alien masuter pro along with Easel pro…

I made a mistake and crashed the router into the workpiece. I’m using the stock spindle/power supply and it stalled when it crashed.

The stalled spindle caused a big draw of power through the Arduino (cnc main board) and afterwards nothing much would work as far as commands from easel on the laptop or the home button on the cnc (I thought that I had stuffed it). However, when I disconnected the USB cable from the laptop, the home button worked like a dream again.

Digging a bit further, the power surge seemed to somehow wipe the machine settings in easel and they were no longer talking to each other.

After resetting the cnc machine configuration in Easel pro, it all worked again perfectly.

I hope my simple fix is the same as yours

Stephen Landreth