XController - Am I missing something or are the holes in the wrong place?

I had to pull my controller apart today to change the torque reduction dip switches. I figured I would take a couple of pictures to show the orientation of the components in the box. You can see that the holes in the sides are offset from center, as are the ones on the bottom. They are positioned towards the front of the box.

The screws in the side only act as a positive stop for the circuit board.

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Awesome, thanks for doing that. That’s confirmation that it’s backwards from how I had to install mine. Sweet! It’s not assembly error… :smirk:

I contacted support about it. Hopefully they can fix it for future orders.

Could you take a picture of the bottom of the supply?

I have an old supply that I’ll snap a picture of tonight.

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I’ll snap some tonight.

Power supply mounted properly, no side screws. Tip board freely moves.

Screws added. Top board sticks out.

Screws in, top board moved to the other side. Lines up perfectly.

Power supply removed to show screw pattern.

Power supply mounted on the other side. Sticks out.

Power supply mounted, screws in, top board lines up correctly.

And, for giggles, both boards mounted incorrectly.

I think you got a bad controller box.

Customer Service thinks so, too. They’re rechecking the recent batches of enclosures to ward off any further issues and expediting new one out to me.

Their customer Service really is remarkable.

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I got the new chassis this morning. Everything fits together nice and solid. Maybe I can use the old one to test cutting aluminum :slight_smile: