I’m experimenting the same problem, (the deep of the cut is wrong, setting it up for 3 mm it cut 5 mm) and i’m quite new on electronics, can anyone explain me what is exactly the 2x microstep jumper, and how to set it up in a correct way, I do not have it clear form the image above
thanks in advance
The Z axis microstep pins (in the upper left corner of the grbl board, just below the reset button) should have a jumper on the two leftmost pins.
Thanks !!!
I will check everything once I get out of job and let’s see if this solve the problem
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Hi all,
I manage to half-solve the problem I revised all the hardware, electronics and oiled up the acme rod also I changed easel for rhino cam + universal grbl sender and the x-carve works amazing, but I still have a z deep problem in the left right side of the machine, as the spindle goes to the right side the deep of the cut is deeper, around a 0.5 to 1 mm of difference from left side to right side. I strongly believe that is a mechanical problem rather than a electronic or configuration problem but cannot find the solution.
Any help???
Ufff I revised my writing after posting it and it’s is horrible, sorry about that, non English speaking …
If you have a depth problem that varies across the machine, my first thought would be that your wasteboard is not level. If you haven’t flattened your wasteboard, you may want to consider buying a wasteboard cutter and knocking down the high spots. That will also let you see if your spindle is truly square to the wasteboard, which is important if you are going to be doing a lot of deep cuts or pockets.
I have made a video showing how I made a new wasteboard, and it includes information about leveling and checking square. You can find it in this thread: X-Carve Maintenance/Troubleshooting Videos - Add Your Own! - #8 by RobertA_Rieke.
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I had a similar problem where when I zero out near the x,y origin, it cuts deeper as it works itself away. I put a disposable wasted board on top and put in a 3/4" router bit to level it out. It was shaving off close to 1/16" at the farthest point. Now, my carving seem much more accurate depth-wise.