Hello everyone,
I hope there is still some activity in this forum, as I’ve encountered an issue that’s proven quite challenging to resolve.
The primary problem I’m facing is that my Carvey has suddenly started consistently initiating the cutting process at a fixed depth of around 8mm (approximately), regardless of the material thickness settings in Easel. This issue appeared quite unexpectedly, and the only notable detail is that it occurred when I was attempting a 5-degree ramp setting in Easel for the first time. While it’s likely unrelated, I thought it was worth mentioning.
To clarify further, regardless of whether I set the material thickness to 5mm or 25mm in Easel, the machine consistently lowers the spindle to a height of about 8mm and begins the job. Everything else seems to be functioning correctly; the only problem is its disregard for the thickness setting in Easel, defaulting to 8mm.
I’ve been in touch with customer support, who have been very helpful, but unfortunately, none of their suggestions have resolved the issue so far. Here are the steps I’ve taken:
- Checked the tension of the Y-belt, which appears to be fine.
- Removed and cleaned the smart clamp twice.
- Reflashed the controller, also twice.
I’ve also attempted to manually jog the machine along all axes using Machine Inspector, and it appears to be functioning correctly. This includes checking the homing switches, which seem to work as expected, with all of them turning green when they are supposed to. And, I have, of course, experimented with about every cut and material setting imaginable in Easel.
The next suggested step is to remove the spindle to inspect the Z-belt. However, this currently poses a challenge as I’m dealing with a (thoroughly) stripped bolt. While I work on that, I was hoping to hear from anyone here who might have experienced and resolved similar issues themselves or has any suggestions or ideas about what might be causing it, whether related to the machine or software. I’m running low on ideas.
Lastly, I apologize if my post is unclear; English is not my native language, and the terminology related to machinery is somewhat unfamiliar to me.