Z-Probe location?

I’ve always used the Z-probe after setting my Work X-Y Home, in the front left location but I’m wondering if the Z location can be anywhere on the work surface?

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I personally have given up on the front left corner because the probe is not completely supported. I prefer using ‘center’ for my work home, and I set my X,Y, & Z axis there.

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@JosephJohnson1 It is unclear to me what you mean when you wrote that “the probe is not completely supported”. Could you expand on that please.

Well, the probe is round. The corner is… not. Thus, the corner makes up a slice of a pie which occupies 1/4 of the probe. By its very nature, a corner is not the center of anything. In fact, a male corner means that 2/3rds of the probe is hanging over mid-air (although I’ve seen some of the projects that others have made which creates a cradle to hold the probe supported.

Now I realize that the spindle can (and have since learned is suggested) be moved so that it is over the material thus fully supporting the probe. But in my beginner’s mind, “why make it a two-step process?” Instead, I prefer to use ‘center’ instead of “left corner”. in this way I can set X-Y AND Z at the same time.

again, I’m a beginner. I know that there is a lot that I do not know. If there is a better way of doing things, I am all ears. But the advice given was to ‘home’ the machine, then jog so that the probe is fully supported, probe the z axis, then jog back to the corner to set the X-Y.

or, just use ‘center’

feel free to criticize and offer suggestions.

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I think I am understanding what you’re referring to when you talk about the probe being round, but the material is not; however, I think that the shape of the material or probe are irrelevant so long as the material is a flat surface. The Z probe only tells the machine where the surface of the material is at in comparison to the spoil board. With regard to MarkMeamey’s original question, I am not sure that it really matters the order you set your zeros to. I personally set my X, Y first and then move to my Z. I think it’s really just a matter of personal preference or process. I to am a beginner though.

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Understood, and agree (move the spindle after homing so as to probe the Z-axis over a solid surface).

I just can’t for the life of me figure out why that would make more sense than just using ‘center’ for the x-y-z location “work zero” and just do it all at once. I also find it easier to center (x-y) the bit over an ‘X’ marked in the center of my workpiece than trying to figure it’s center teetering over a corner of the material (maybe it’s just this old man’s poor eyesight, but I can find the center of an ‘X’ much easier). But honestly, that’s just a preference. But given the trouble that I’ve been having with everything else, I frankly was hoping that someone would be able to present me with an ‘AH HA!!’ moment and a REALLY good reason for doing X-Y-Z at the front left corner rather than the center of the project.
I assume that there is a good reason for using the front left corner, I just haven’t figured out what it is. Again, I’m admittedly a newbie and bit of a rube in this digital world… but I’m trying to learn.

PS, I just read the post about an “X-Y’Z” probe being used by other companies and it has me intrigued.

You can probe anywhere, it does not have to be done at x0,y0


I too am a beginner, and recently moved to setting my X, Y, Z to center. Much easier for me, and I have found that the Z-probe plate and wiring separate easily. I ordered a new Z-probe but it was different than the one I received so did not find it useful.

Thanks to everyone for all the tips and tricks. I like that I can learn something new every day about my machine.

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