1000mm xcarve on the way, little advice needed

Cheers Phil. Just the polycarbonate box and extraction system to build and I’m in business. Hope to be cutting next weekend and start making some money back soon after. I am literally broke haha.

Insulation AND carpet! Talk about luxury.
It makes my concrete floored, fibro cement lined, tin roofed shed look very ordinary.

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Very nice

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Speechless, in a good way, :sunglasses:

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Thanks everyone. Quite proud of my work.

Haha yes Angus I had to. I live in a semi detached house. My neibour has been understanding with my guitar building so far but I thought the xcarve would be taking the ■■■■ lol. So I built it a mini house. Not really a shed, things cosier than my actual house :joy: