A lot have been failing, apparently, or throwing noise that alters stepper behavior. I got my kit back in May (full 1m Xcarve, homing switches, spindle, NEMA23, ACME, etc.) but didn’t assemble until the last month or so, so I was in the same boat as you.
I elected to leave my spindle wiring OUTSIDE the drag chain, and just cable-clipped it to the chain, so it had a bit more spacing from the control wiring. I also made it a point to route to the power supply maintaining this gap, and added some ferrite cuffs that may or may not do any good as far as isolating the spindle power noise from causing problems elsewhere (there’s one where the spindle wiring enters the spindle atop the carriage, another on the nearby Z-limit switch, and ditto at the breakout board end of both near the power supply and Arduino. My breakout layout is shown in this post:
Aside from that…I’m just starting out easy with soft materials and seeing how it goes, fully expecting I might want to upgrade spindles sooner rather than later.