Forgive horrible cellphone pics; up early with a thunderstorm and too lazy to break out the real camera. First pic for context - my ‘table’ is just a base and a couple back leg extensions atop an ancient Craftsman (as in Sears, not the furniture style) metal workbench. SFF Dell refurb $150 puter visible on a shelf behind; monitor is on an arm but not in image above that. I cut my wiring a bit long and have everything soldered with terminal spades, then all electronics can be easily replaced later as a separate entity.
Second image shows electronics closer. Panel (just spare fiberboard) hangs from bolts thru the door front of cabinet. I probably need a dust shield to keep stuff out of the Arduino/gShield enclosure. Don’t mind some of the wire colors at the header…I stripped out some excess from some of the 4-conductor 18 gauge supplied as motor wiring since I upgraded to 16 gauge in my actual chain routes. Since I used 18 gauge vs. 22awg for the PWM control stiffness was an issue, but by having short runs to the terminal block I could prebend and get it to stick, for now. Will see how well it maintains contact over time. You should also be able to see the grouhds for the limits jumpered at the terminal, with only one wire going around to the gShield ground terminal block (green).
You can also see I’m using some ferrite clamps on both the limit wiring and the spindle power (have some at each limit switch and at the spindle on the Zaxis end as well) to try and suppress noise; probably need caps at the electronics end between limit high and ground…breakout will be an easy place to add them if so.
Also not sure how visible it is, but rather than ‘testing’ which limit or motor wiring was which I used bands of heatshrink BEFORE pushing them thru the chains, so I could tell later, then replaced them after final trims to length and such. There’s a wide headshrink piece to clean up where shield/jacket were stripped, then behind that zero short bands is X, one is Y, two is Z. Same on my limit pairs. Lastly, the spindle power line is routed as far from everything else as possible (clipped to outside of drag chain even) in anticipation of DW611 upgrade when it (seems like ‘inevitably’, judging from posts) fails.