A few projects using VCarve Pro

BadWolf by any chance do you have the Home Depot SKU# on the contact paper? I really would like to try that because the blue painters tape did me NO justice, it just pealed around the cut and made a mess.

Any Help is appreciated.


Store SKU:1001209883

Thanks canā€™t wait to try this

Used the same thing a while back for a sign and used to use it for airbrushing You can buy it in Walmart next to where they sell place settings. A couple different varieties of peel and stick shelf liner.

If you are buying something else from Amazon you can add this to your order and get it with free shipping.

$5.99 for 18in x288in

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It is in my cart waiting on me to order something elseā€¦lol

Mine also, there must be something else I need from Amazon

Maybe some 123 blocks


Well I tried the contact paper with major failure. I was using MDF and it didnā€™t stick to the material at all. I was cutting a V-cut boarder and it made the contact paper a mess. I was wondering if I needed to wrap some of the paper around the MDF like even under it to hold it into place. Any ideas or tips are appreciated.

What are the fonts you used on the Dale & Alice Harp sign, looks very nice and I have a request to make a family sign soon.

Iā€™m sealing MDF with two coats of shellac before using masking tape. It does stick well, also doesnā€™t break edges. Make sure sanding surface well and clean before Shellac.

Thanks Alan, I think I only used gloss black spray paint before using the contact paper. Iā€™ll have to try the shellac first next time.

The large lettering is called Algerian (that is a windows built in font) and the fancy script is called Scriptina (you can find that by searching online and installing it).

Hope that helps!


One more thingā€¦I have not had much luck with the Algerian font on solid woods, that shadow line next to the letters always seems to cause chipping because it is so close. Cuts very nice in MDF though.

thanks again, nice work indeed.

Like Jamal, I also had the same problems. For me the VCraver post processor file that work best was Grbl (inches) and my windows software with the UGS. I tried several different post processors file with Easel and UGS (see photo). I even got my V bit to work with the grbl post processor.

what bit did you use for these?
kindly share how you opened it on easel, i havenā€™t use my v-carve pro yet.