Almost done!! Today completed the wiring and electronics, but there are some catchyas to watch out for.
If you have ordered the limit switches, step 14 speaks to installing the “actuators” for the X and Y axis limit switches. However this means installing insertion nuts (26016-03) that have to be inserted in the slots in the X and Y axis. The nuts are supposed to be able to installed by pressing them into the slots but try as I might, I could not get them in. So I had to remove the tap screws from the Xaxis and the Yaxis plate and fight to slide them in. So I recommend that you slide them in before you attach the Y-plate to the X-axis and the end plate to the left side of the unit.
Now for the limit switch wiring on to the g-shield - it is horrible!! There is no real indication in the instructions about the order for the cables. Another thread for the limit switch wiring and this schematic will help.
You have to attach the pins to the white cable from each switch and press into the 8-pin header connector. No real problem, but the connector does not sit on to the pins properly - it keeps sliding off. Noticed that some other people complained about this as well.
As far the grounds, there are 4 (3 from the limit switched and 1 from the spindle control) cables that need to go into 1 terminal on the power supply, so I wired three together into a connector and then used one on the other side to connect the terminal.
Also wired an E-Stop on the +ve from the power supply to the gshield.
Will power up in the morning and update.