Best upgrade EVER

@JustinBusby thanks again. It moves very smooth at 2000 doesn’t have any vibration or spots where it sounds bad. I ran a few dry runs with a 3D carve file I had and it didn’t sound too good with my old settings. Are you increasing your Z plunge rates a lot with the new set up? Also, do you think that the resonance is only occurring in that section due to where the load is? It seems like the motor really struggles to keep a constant speed when moving slow.

@JohnKendra thanks for the information. I will do some reading on geckodrive to understand it better. That makes sense that it is harder for the stepper to control the micro steps when it is moving so little per inch. I see in the Inventables instructions that you set up dip switches 1,3,4 to “ON” to configure it to 1/8 microstep. I would like to keep dip switch 4 off to make bit changes easier & prevent motor slipping (thanks @JustinBusby). Can I just put 1 & 3 to ON to change the step config?

For the Z axis, flip switches 1, 2, and 3 so it’d be ON / OFF / ON / OFF for you.

You’ll be matching the X and Y switch configuration.

You’ll also need to change your $102 to be 4 times greater than its current value since you’re adding 4 times as many steps changing to 8X microbstepping.

I run all my carves at 60 ipm plunge when wood is involved now. I’ve yet to see an issue but I’m sure there are reasons why to slow it down. For 3D finishing carves, run it quick since material removed is pretty small.


Mine is just set at 100 right now…gonna bump it way up.

Justin, John…Thanks for the info!!! I will make these changes this weekend and see how she goes.

Do you have a fast acme screw on your z axis?

If you’re asking me, yes it is the fast travel screw on the 3" version. Xcarve SLIDER

@JustinBusby got it. Thanks!

That’s the one I have also.

Yes and thank you

You can use the same motors, or upgrade, your choice. Not required though…

Next weekend is pretty busy for me, but I’ll do what I can.

Forgive my ignorance, but why do these things have so much travel if you don’t have a drastically higher gantry? And wouldn’t you need some special mount that would hang your spindle way down?

I like the idea of the strength and lack of slop in a linear setup like this, but couldn’t the kit be cheaper and just as useful with a 3 or 4 inch travel?

What were the settings to flip your Z axis if you don’t mind me asking?

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Like Rob said, $102=50.059 and then adjust speed to maybe $112=750.

I haven’t changed my wires for the Z axis invert, I was hoping someone had done it in GRBL instead.


Do you use easel? You can reverse in easel by going through setup and then testing Z. It will give you the option to reverse it.

I didn’t have to extend mine. I pulled it a bit more through the carriage and that was more than enough. Did you all cut your wires on the original install?

Doh! I hate cutting stuff like that - usually because of situations like this that come up lol!

What did everyone use for max feed rate and acceleration?

I got mine setup last weekend using the XController 1/16 microstep and got the steps per and all setup but there seems to be a wide range for rate/acceleration so I have yet to change that any.

That’s what I ended up doing. Thanks!

No problem, I was just piggy backing off of everyone else, they’re the true heroes. :stuck_out_tongue:

As an aside I love this thing, it’s so…SOLID. It’s almost like it should come standard on the X-Carve. :slight_smile:

has anyone added the Hitachi M12VC to this? If my dewalt dies I may upgrade to this…thanks