Building a furniture catalog that can be made on X-Carve?

Yea like something you might see in a furniture catalog vs. on the machine. This one is pretty fancy but you get the idea.

Funny you should post this pic. Iā€™m actually making four sets of ladder shelves today. Except, Iā€™m making them using conventional woodworking tools.

I know itā€™s fun to dream about what furniture you CAN make with an XC1000, but whether it makes sense to is another story. In the pic above, thereā€™s not a single cut anywhere that requires an XC. What would take half an hour or more to do on an XC, can be done in five seconds on a table saw. Iā€™m not trying to rain on your parade, I just thought this particular project is not ideally suited for an XC.

With that being said, if you wanted to make fronts for the shelves with decorative cutouts, that would really jazz the piece up a bit. Or, you could make some decorative brackets, filligree, a back for one of the sections with decorative cutouts, etc.

Now that I look more closely, it might make some sense to gang all the uprights together to make the 3Ā° dado if you donā€™t have a set for your table saw. But once again, it would take numerous runs of that file to make the uprights vs. just a few minutes on the saw.

Depending on how you finished it, you could incorporate @PhilJohnsonā€™s dovetails. That might add some ā€œCNC Chicā€ to the projectā€¦ :sunglasses:


join them together with joints like this :slight_smile:


@MidnightMaker I wasnā€™t showing that picture as an example of what to make I was answering his question about what an ā€œin contextā€ photo looks like.

Oh. Then forget everything I just saidā€¦:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Interesting. Now that Iā€™m percolating on my reply to a rhetorical question, if you finished the piece natural, you could also do a lot of dovetails or box joints for the shelves.

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Can you explain your photo? Are those legs?

those are alot of big words lol


but oh yeah for sure (past tense)