Cannot get my X-Carve started!

is it unreasonable to take out the Arduino completely and align them? THEN figure out a way to mount the combo into the housing?

That’s what I had to do. Take the Gshield and arduino out of the case and align them, then put them back in the case.

How did you secure them in the housing after that? As it has been made, the Arduino gets secured to the housing by some screws, then the gshield covers the screws

Sorry, it’s been awhile since I put my machine together…I just placed the arduino/gshield inside the case without securing it with screws. I don’t like the idea of it not being secured, but it was the only way for me to ensure the two items were mated together correctly.

I would recommend that you take them out and mate them properly. Test that setup to see if your electronics work.

Once you know that they work you can then mount the Arduino in the case and work at getting them plugged together properly. It took me a couple of tries, but it can be done.

Using a flashlight at the right angle at one of the openings you can see enough of one of the connectors to make sure they are lined up.

They are mated properly, but not the computer won’t recognize the Arduino again. This is getting very frustrating. The only change now is that the gshield now has all the axis lights on.

Also, I did call inventables, they were helpful. I was able to reflash the Arduino with Grbl. But, their hours for support are the same as when I work. If I call, I can only do so much while at work.

Try reloading the Arduino driver into Windows.

Just the Arduino driver, right? don’t re-flash the Arduino?

Yes, just the Arduino driver

I will be doing this when I get home today then.

At some point Easel got an Easy Local file that tried to automatically detect the COM port.

I don’t use Easel, but if you know how to determine the version of Easy Local on your machine you can check to see which version you have.

I believe that the most recent version that does not contain the auto detect is version 0.2.2

Also, you can only have one program in control of the COM port, so if you have Easel running you can’t use UGCS or Arduino serial monitor at the same time. If the Arduino serial monitor is connected then you can’t use Easel or UGCS, etc.

dumb question, how do I reload the Arduino driver? through the website for Arduino, or through the program on the laptop?

You load it with the Arduino IDE. Be sure not to load a sketch into the Arduino. That would overwrite grbl.

OK, just loaded the drivers for the Arduino… Easel is still giving me the finger.

On the plus side, the “ports” option is back with in the device manager, with the Arduino under I, too (for now)

With the USB unplugged, the axis lights turn off.

And the serial monitormsays “BBy”

Gibberish. “Uc”

Yes, the board says that

Let me know and I’ll happily let someone play around on the laptop to get this thing running

I’ve done all kinds of things with no luck as of yet.