Change Baud Rate

Reinstalled. There was an update, but it didn’t fix the problem. Testing with CNCjs because it is already installed.

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Connected automatically, and at the correct baud rate.


Well that’s a relief.
So this is an issue with OpenBuilds control and the firmware you’re using.
I need to go to bed, but if you upload the firmware you’re using here (or link) I can tool around on an Arduino mega tomorrow and see if I can replicate the issue.


Thanks for your help troubleshooting this. Much appreciated! (317.5 KB)

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Hey @AdamCook1,
I just tried flashing the same firmware you are using on a Mega 2560, and I had no problem connecting to OpenBuilds control.
I don’t have an Xcarve, I don’t have a Mac, and I don’t use OpenBuilds, so I’m not sure what your next step would be here.
Did you modify anything in the source code?
Can you try flashing a hex file instead of compiling yourself?
If you’re set on using OpenBuilds Control, try their forum.
If not, gSender is a really good progression from cncjs.


I didn’t modify the firmware. Didn’t want to void my warranty by causing issues. I’ll keep looking for answers, but in the meantime I’ll check out gSender. Thank you so much for taking the time to help me!


gSender looks nice. Definite step up.

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Last things I’d recommend before I step out would be to try another computer if you can. Then try flashing the firmware with the precompiled hex file.

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I can try it in Windows. I run it side-by-side on my mac.


I’m loving gSender so far! Haven’t run a job on it yet, so that will be the real tell, but so far I’ve found it both simple and powerful compared to other things I’ve played with. I tried this a long time ago, but I was so new to CNC at the time that I didn’t really know how to compare. Who knows, maybe one day I’ll find I like OpenBuilds better, but for now this is very promising.

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One more question… :wink:

Is the post-processor related to the machine or the sender? If I’m using gSender, should I just use a generic grbl post processor?

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Id select based on the sender. Many sender softwares have their own set of code rules that extend beyond those of the cnc itself.

I’m not positive if there are custom PPs from gSender, if not than yeah id use the grbl one.

What CAM program?

VCarve Pro

Sorry, sometimes I ask before I research. Of course, sometimes asking helps me know what to research. :smiley:

I created a post that vectric was sending users for a while. It should work. Use the grbl mm version.

Do you have a spindle that needs a dwell to get to speed?


Hmm…now we’re out of my depth. I don’t know what the XCP needs.

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What post were you using before? Or are you new to the pro?

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I’ve been using the XCP for a year, though not frequently for the past few months. I’ve been using Easel exclusively, but I’ve been trying to find my way into a more flexible alternative. In VCarve, I’ve been saving using the post processor created by Inventables, conveniently called “Easel”. So it makes me think the posts are specific to the senders. But…that article I shared suggested they can also be specific to the machines.

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