Everything was cutting well, then...the plunge of death!

I think you’re right. That was at the beginning.

Ok…I thought I was really confused for a minute.

Any chance you could share the Easel project?

I’m not sure, at this point, what would cause the crash…it’s not something in your gcode.
Can you try the job again? Just an aircut with your hand ready to stop it.

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I’ve changed it in Easel too many times now. The file wouldn’t tell you much. I think you are right to try it again. I’ll do that.

By the way, when this happened, my hands were flying everywhere, hitting every button except for the big red button. :man_facepalming:

I would take a look at the feed rate if you are using a standard or even upgraded X-Carve. That feed rate might be too high for what looks like a 1/8" bit.


Brandon Parker

X-Carve Pro

I see… Is it a 1/8" bit?


Brandon Parker


Ok, that should be within the limits of the endmill as long as it was a quality endmill.

Can you approximate how much the Z-Axis traveled for that initial Z retract when it crashed? Just curious if it traveled correctly based on the NC file.


Brandon Parker

It is a half inch piece of wood, so from just above that. I guess three to four inches before crashing.

Again, It’s not an issue with the gcode.
I just thought of something. Doesn’t Easel have a setting for safe retract height? Can you check yours? My money is on that.


Thanks, @AdamCook1! The settings referenced by @NeilFerreri1 are called “Safety Height” and “Origin Safety Height” and can be found by going to the Machine>General Settings menu option. Typically these values are defaulted to 0.15" unless manually changed by the user.

Just for completeness, I was in no way stating that the gcode was the issue. I wanted to know what the difference was between what the NC file said the Z-Axis should have been raised to vs. what it was raised to in order to cause the crash. I mean if you have a 4" long bit sticking out of the collet causing your Z-Axis to almost be at its max then that is helpful to know…


Brandon Parker

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I understood why you were asking, and I appreciate everything you guys have been doing to help me. I’m really grateful.

My safety height settings are set at the default.

unless you’re generating the gcode within easel then those don’t actually matter anyway… I believe you’re importing gcode from fusion360, so you’d be setting all of the safety heights over there :man_shrugging:

Easel used to append commands on to imported gcode. Then I believe there was an option to not do that. Has that changed?

Yea sorta , the last time I imported the gcode it only asked about appending the header and footer to add the initial lift to origin safety height and again for return to zero commands, but it wouldn’t amend for the whole code line by line to adjust the standard safety heights… . . so I guess you have a point there, IF the origin safe height is setup wrong AND he did the over ride option…

but I would be more inclined to think it’s the clearance and safe height setting within F360 if he’s got safe height issues :man_shrugging:
(my F360 is performing updates, and I’ll open the file in the AM to check the setup in there)

That said I’ve seen in other groups, multiple XCP customers with Z’s that drop down unexpectedly… With the solution typically being to adjust the acceleration, the rapid speed, or sometimes just setting $1 to 255 all depending on who replies to the user’s issue report… So it could just be another XCP issue as well.

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Nothing in the gcode telling it to retract several inches.

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I had a similar issue and I was able to narrow it down with my manual movements. I set my x/y and z to 1" and moved the machine in these directions. My xy was fine but my Z would move 1/4" then stop for a second then continue. It would only do this on the down stroke. It came down to a bad controller. I was fortunate to catch this before it caught fire. Same deal, machine was pushing down on project because it didn’t know where it was precisely.

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Hey Adam, just a last ditch guess here, but is your $1 set to 255?


I’ll check when I get back home.

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Sorry, I forgot to check when I got home. My $1=0