Everything was cutting well, then...the plunge of death!

Change that to $1=255

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Where do I learn what those mean?


This :point_up::point_up::point_up::+1::+1::+1::+1:

So I guess that is to keep me from bumping the gantry during bit changes and causing my detail cuts to be done a 1/2" from where they should have been? (ask me how I know)

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Yes and it’ll also maintain z position
After setting z zero instead of it dropping down, possibly causing your plunge issue


The same thing happened to me but with mine it wet thru the wood i was carving and thru the waste board…it did start a small fire…and this is not the first time the z axes went haywire…many times it started carving then went up and down and some times just sat there and did not cut the wood…As for help from inventables, very undesirable.

This happened to me as well, didn’t plunge, but went totally off design. Tried a lot of different things to fix. None appeared to change anything, then I put the controller on a filtered UPS and the problem has never come back. When it happened, code checked out good. Wiring checked out good. Manual operation checked out good. System was used for several months prior without an issue. then during a simple waste-board leveling the machine went nuts. Have used the machine for several more months and no problems to date.


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