I jusy want to cut a shape but I have an stl file. just the view from the top face. I will attach the file and the snipped image - I want both items in the stl file to cut out.
How can I do this?
Music StandsDB (1) v1.stl (108.9 KB)
I jusy want to cut a shape but I have an stl file. just the view from the top face. I will attach the file and the snipped image - I want both items in the stl file to cut out.
How can I do this?
Was the model designed in the CAD program in the screenshot (Fusion?)
You’d need FLAT artwork to import to Easel. SVG preffered, DXF works as well, and you could also Image Trace. With that screenshot you could also use Inkscape or a similar 3rd part software to perform an even better image trace than Easel produces. . . . But with the STL alone, no one cannot cut a 2.5D perimeter in Easel using a STL file.
If you have the STL, programs like Openscad can take the STL and do a flat projection to SVG. You can then use the SVG to import into Easel for fabrication.
@JoeLoyzaga The main point here is that these files existed in a format other than STL. You can export a DXF from a Fusion sketch. You can bring that right into Easel.
This is the SVG.
Right click on the image and then use save_as to save the svg to the file that you want. You can then import it into Easel.
Hey guys,
The OP also posted this question over on the Autodesk forum. He has SVGs, DXFs, parametric native CAD files and probably more. I don’t think this warrants more effort unless there’s a follow up.
The reason I posted everywhere is because I didn’t get the answer. Fudion 360 doesnt allow you to save as svg for personal use ones. The DXF doesn’t import with tabs or your help doesn’t say " heres how to add tabs to an imported dxf". Essentially you are saying you’ve done all you can unless theres a follow up.Well this is one also the SVG you sent is the wrong size. Why? because you didn’t answer the question. The stl has 2 images and I want to change the slot to be parameterized so that I can make the slot 9mm,12mm or any size to reflect the thickness of the wood. Don’t know how to do that in easel,fusion360,aspire carveco maker or anything. Some forums tell me to look at tutorials but don’t tell me which specific ones say"how to parameterize modifying a sloe to size" which is the ANSWER !
So I’m breaking down the problem by trying online solutions to get a file that might be workable for those programs. Do I buy the full version of fusion360 to be able to output an svg (because not possible on personal version) and then find out it doesn’t come out with waht I want? Or do I ask all these suppliers how to run their software to get some semblance of something to work with? Attached is the svg import image. Now how can I be sure that the nothch is 9mm wide? how can I now move the individual images (1 of 2) so that I can use less wood? will that retain the tabs? What software did you use to get the svg? Oh BTW. I bought the 1/4 inch svg and just wanted to change it to work on wood thickness thats available here (metric). Thanks for the support
Wow, that was quite the follow up. The reason for my previous post was to let the other guys know that you had posted to another forum and that thread was marked as solved. Meanwhile, we didn’t receive a follow up here.
Are you looking for someone to create a modified file for you? Or do you want to do it yourself?
What happened with the Fusion file that was created for you? Did you export DXFs? Why couldn’t you add tabs in easel?
Start by answering those questions, and we’ll be able to get somewhere.
Firstly some Background. In 2017 I suffered a cardiac arrest.I was left with cognitive impairment and short term memory loss. Proir to that I had a career in software testing - predominantly Automated testing. Its extremely upsetting and demeaning to have to explain my deficiancies. I cannot code anymore. The stress affects my cognitive skilss to the point I freeze up. I cannot follow the video tutorials due to the short term memory loss as I need to go back so much to understand what is going on. I need a step by step workflow and one specifically detailling the steps to get to my desired goal. If its a rare requirement then I’m stumped because intuitiveness does not happen anymore. Of course I want to do it myself but all I get is “read these tutorials or watch these videos” and I keep trying but I can’t anymore and having to explain my situation also brings down my self esteem so I just get discouraged and depressed. So yes a modified file would solve the immediate problem because I’m on a deadline (my partner and I seem to be able to do resin and wood items quite well (www.gjcraft.net)) and my partner is part of a ukulele group that we would like to make ukulele stands for. Now their soft uke bags are just big enough to fit 9mm or 12mm stands (not sure which one would after some resin poured over the stands so need to carve out some and see) and we would love to have the decorative stands made for their xmas concert. Carving and decorating 30 stands by december is pushing it.The Fusion file is in a dxf format and I’m just using wood to check if it worked (why both they are a different size I dont know - don’t remember how I created them other than exporting from fusion.
9mm uke stand (1).dxf (16.6 KB)
9mm uke stand.dxf (103.5 KB)
“Why couldn’t you add tabs in easel?” - I asked you guys this! probably because I imported the dxf. My son - he is a special effects guy (he builds models for films - think Blade Runner 2024 - he built the La police department building with people in it - its actuall 12 feet tall) so he can do some files for me but I don’t want to be a pain (here is the latest he did for me over lunchtime
I also have another friend who I abuse the privelege who did these
So now I have these files and perhaps I’ll need to move the items around or modify parts of them - what with? will it break the tabs? I have so many variables I’m afraid I’ll need to keep pestering them and I am increasingly being a pain! Also just found out that when I import an svg into a project that default to birch plywood 12.7. it has tabs in the cut. then if I reduce the cut to 12mm then some tabs disappear, but if i change the definition of the birch plywood to 12mm it come back. Over to you!
But you have the files. Cut them and see if they work.
If you have 12.7mm material and only cut down 12mm, you don’t need tabs because you’re not cutting through. If you have 12mm thick material, set the material thickness to 12mm.
Two workpieces in the project below. One for the 9mm and one for the 12mm.
I set them up for a 1/4" end mill. The slots will never cut perfectly square on a cnc because of the endmill radius. You could use a chisel to square them up or you could add dogbones to the joints.
Of the three svgs you shared, the first one is much bigger…maybe for a guitar?
The other two are the ones I used below. The “9mm” actually has a slot slightly less than 9mm (closer to 8.9mm).
I only see the 9mm project - is the 12mm in the project you supply? cut them? 2 pieces of 9mm 900x600mm ply cost $70. thats a bit rich to find out if I have waste or success?if you say I have 2 workpieces then its half the solution for 9mm and half for 12mm. How did you change them?they are not mirror images
I didn’t. As I said, I used the SVGs that someone else created for you. You posted them above. Is there a problem with those SVGs?
There are two workpieces in the project. I’m on a phone, so I can’t explain that better than a forum search.
I could design these from scratch in Fusion and guarantee they’ll work, but I’m too expensive. I could also give you a quote to make them all, but I’m too expensive.
I appreciate all the effort that has been done to help in this thread. Starting to sound like an impossible task.
Two workpieces. One has BOTH parts of the 9mm version and the other has BOTH parts of the 12mm version.
I understand what you’re trying to do, the problems you’ll encounter, the solutions to those problems, and I’ve tried to guide you to getting the help you need. I answered every question you’ve had, and set up your projects for you.
Give a man a fish, he eats for a day.
Teach a man to fish and give him a bunch of fish anyway and he’ll blame you for all of his issues on the internet and make you question your sanity.
This is the svg of a 9mm correct output Easel - 9mm ukulele -derek
Notice slots are in different places in each stand piece. This was given to me by a friend using aspire - its working now if I cut along the outside of the outline and using a 4mm bit.
the next project is one sent to me by my son using Adobe Illustrator outputting svg
look at the projects and you’ll see something fishy allright. here is the 9mm svg solution but not without questions. PLEASE notice that BOTH sides of the stand have notches NOT in the same place. Teach a man to fish for fish that don’t live there and you both go hungry.
Yes. And?
We’re in the same boat Joe. There are fish everywhere. The fish are jumping into our boat. I’m slapping the other passenger with fish.
Did you look at the project I shared above?