I'm Converted! (Superglue and Tape)

I found something that works just as good as superglue. I tried it today and it’s working like a champ. It also lasts longer than a bottle of superglue, and doesn’t stick to your fingers.

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Do you spray it directly to your table or so you use tape?

I used spray adhesive with the method and it worked really good. I got a bunch of cans of it so I guess I can use them now before they go bad.

Yeeaah, finally something I beat ya to Phil :wink: Welcome, you will like it here!

Before when I was using double sided tape when cutting thin acrylic (cake toppers) there was always a real hassle with the clean-up of glue residue, on intricate parts etc.
The low tack of masking tape eliminated this issue alt together :smiley:

The masking tape layer against the waste board also peel off easily vs the dreaded high-grip double sided tape…

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What kind of materials are you cutting?

Couldn’t you also use masking tape on the workpiece and stick it to carpet tape on the spoil board? Kinda the same thing without having to spray activator on the workpiece (and overspray on everything around it)

For anything that has a profile cut, carpet tape is terrible because when you cut through it all it does is gums up your bits.

If you are Vcarving or cutting pockets, just plain carpet tape works fine.

Wood. Currently .75 plywood.

Thanks Marc for the tip. Will have to try some of this. Looks like it’s also available as glue sticks. Can’t believe some people are still using clamps…


I just use the force when holding things down seems to work just fine

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I only use the Force on “dark” objects.

Thats the photo I posted. Its a glue stick.

That clamping system had to cost something… :wink:

I also use vacuum clamps for some projects. But they don’t work well for anything that has a cut through to the waste board.