Interesting variation on Aztec calendar

Bro, you read it, we all know you did… you loved it…lol… i dont pm, so i guess i wont be getting a lesson on how your opinion is the only right one. Thanks tho…

Sorry. Didn’t. Good try though.

Im not a writer and have never claimed to be, but that was a joke. The lack of seeing a facial expression is a downfall to text style forums. Too bad, it was funny…

Ppl got to get out and get some fresh air once in a while… :wink: this new computer tech age sh*t is ruining the world :wink: lol


Spring is a coming in the northern hemisphere, get out and enjoy it everyone. your computer and xcarve will still be there when you get back…


Wow. not sure why all the hostility. it seems Copy Right Law seems to be a very big hot button issue here on the forums. I think when it comes to art and expression we all have the right to call our work our own to the degree of how much work/ creativity we ourselves have put into it. At the same time we must acknowledge the influence and even direct input of found source material. And as always. if someone else dreamed up a unique aspect of the design we must never sell it as our own creation. or sell it at all for that matter.

so lets all just share and play nice. and if it is truly something you created from scratch and would not like others to replicate and or sell. just say so and don’t share the files. I am glad this came up. I have been neglecting my disc design for other projects. I wonder if anyone has beat me to the punch.
oh and I welcome others to take the design. improve upon it. call it their own. whatever Mine will still be hanging in my house. that’s all that matters to me.

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I really don’t mind people making them. I made one.

Note that the guy didn’t share the file though. ‘We’ plucked it from his website, cleaned it up until it could be auto traced and made an svg out of it.

I’m not the police. I couldn’t care less about who has made one.
But coming here moaning about the fact he got called out (because he’s selling them by the dozens) and begging for sympathy may just be a bridge too far.

I really cant believe this is still going on but I can really see how this is the way forum usually runs. Nothing is never left to die, just beatin to death over and over. I did state that he got sh*tty with me but it was on a post that someone else was cutting his “design” but went after me. I have sold some of these, not dozens as you stated, but again misquotations are the norm with the majority of the account holders on this forum. As far as the begging for sympathy Im not sure where you got that from but whatever bro…

Im sure your going to say your not going to bother to read this post either and thats cool, you can spout of all you want, doesnt bother me. I apologized for insulting people with my comments but you shitbirds wont let it go. Everyone talks about how this forum is a great resource and it MOST definitely is but there are some who will drag it down to nothing.

We had a difference of opinion, get past it already…

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I’ve got a dead horse and a baseball bat… lets go to town.


I read it. You just seem to confuse ‘my opinion’ with ‘copyright law’.

please contribute to the forum instead of doing whatever this is.

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Ok bro … just drop it… Agree to disagree… it’s over…

to get back on topic, did anyone do the marvel one yet?

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hmm that small? Curious to see how well the detail holds up.

I plan to engrave a 400mm one once my laser is fully built.

Ive been working on a Doctor Who one, I just am torn between the TARDIS or one of the doctors for the middle portion. Then which Doctor to use or which generation TARDIS. Decisions decisions right…

Here’s my laser engraved coaster (10"). Power was a bit much.
Water and 1x8 for perspective.
@PhilJohnson I think you’ll have trouble with the detail on a coaster.


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great work


Now I have to try it too…:disappointed:

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Well you could skip the coaster and just do a lazy susan… oh wait that is not correct to say anymore, let me fix that.

Well you could skip the coaster and just do an under-motivated Susan.