Machine not returning to work zero

I have not used Easel very much and not sure how to use it, I have managed to carve a hexagon in Easel and carve it but the same thing is happening there it is not returning to zero,so I suppose that means it is not the post processor
also I am not sure how to export gcode as file import, sorry I am not much help

8.gcode (12.5 KB)
3.gcode (7.7 KB)

Both files tell the machine to go to X0Y0 so its not the code.

Say you have a 10x10" piece of material to carve and using Easel.
Make a shape to fit inside this 10x10" area
Place the bit at the lower left corner relative to you
Confirm this as your home position / work zero

Where do the bit go after that carve has completed?

Thank’s Haldor, I have emailed Jeff at Picsender as recommended by John Champlain above and this is the reply I got, I have sent the Gcode file to him to look at and I am waiting for him to get back to me

Hi Patrick

If your using the G28 for returning to your work zeros, is the G28 at the end of all of your files? PicSender/grbl will not send your machine to the axis work zeros without it.


A thing that makes this even more odd is that Easel, the controller, sends the machine to work zero after the carve, regardless of what you’re gcode says.

@PatrickDunne Can you create a carve that just does a one pass circle (for speed’s sake). Do an aircut (set your Z high), and repeat a few times. Is the result the same each time?

There’s no G28 at the end of your files, but there is a G0X0Y0 that should send it to zero.

Neil I tried doing a circle in Easel a few times and it did not return to Zero , it was about 2" off each time

Patrick, run the circle file again, but first replace the last command in the file, which is “M02” with a “G28”. Does it then return to where you want?

Thank’s John, no that did not work , I was hoping it would, the only thing that done was that the spindle would not turn off, I tried with MO2 and G28 underneath and that turned the spindle off but it did not return to zero

Here is a Mach3 simulation view of your circle file above. It starts at X0 Y0 Z0.8 and ends at X0 Y0 Z0.8 (view shown). So what you are describing is confusing to us here. It seems you must not be setting G28 correctly. Nothing else seems to answer what you are describing.

Can you describe the steps you have used to set your G28 location?

Pictures/screen captures may be helpful.

EDIT: M02 must be the last command in the file. Did you end with G28 followed by M02?

@PatrickDunne What is the reported position (machine, work, or both) of the machine when the for completes?
What happens if you manually send G0X0Z0 after the file completes?

John, I always home the machine first, then jog to where the bump stop is located and go bottom left of the workpiece, I then click on G28.1 and save that position as work zero
yes G28 followed by MO2

Work zero is not set with G28. They can be different.

Neil, thank you for your help, I am sorry but I am having a problem getting my head round this, when I home the machine and then press G28 that I have set as work zero it goes exactly to where I want it, bottom left corner of work piece, it is only after the carve that it won’t go back there, it has always worked like this before, I am now going to find the reported work position after he carve

Sending G0X0Y0 in UGCS after finished carve nothing happened, no movement image

By home do you mean homing switches? If yes, homing is only required ONCE when first powering up the CNC.

Regarding your workflow you described, instead of clicking G28.1, press Zero X/Y/Z This is your work zero, nothing else.

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I just ran your 3.gcode file, and it runs as expected. When finished, it goes to WORK X0Y0Z0.8 as the code is calling for.

I added a G28 after the last G0X0.0000Y0.0000 and followed by the M02.

When the file ended, the machine again went to my WORK X0Y0Z0.8 as commanded, then it went to my preset G28 position, which is at the bottom left corner of my waste board, then the file finished with the M02.

Here is what the last of your file should look like if you want it to run as you have described:

If this does not make it run like you want, then either you are not presetting G28 correctly, or I do not understand what you want the file to do.

If your 6" circle file IS running correctly as you want it to, please post the last 6 lines of the file as I have above so we can look at it. Thanks.

Your work zero is in the same location as your G28 position. There’s always been a misconception about G28 and work zero on this forum. Basically, your work zero will not change unless you explicitly change it. The G28 in your workflow is unnecessary. Home the machine and carve (without the G28) and you’ll see what I mean.
Anyway, I now think the problem is mechanical (possibly electrical). Your sender is reporting the position as X0,Y0,Z0.8
As far as the machine knows, it did go back to zero.

Send G0X7Y5 or something after it’s done… Does it move?

Can you send $G and post results?

Neill $G settings

Yes it moved by the amount input