[NOW LIVE] [new feature] G-code sending through easel

hi guys,
where can i find the easel pp for download in vcarve?

when i go to easel i have the new import function, but it says i need to download the easel pp to be installed in the applications folder in vcarve.

when i click on the “download easel pp” i get the code in text, not in a downloadable zip-file.
since i am not very good at this computer programming stuf i dont realy know what to do now.

any suggestions?

I was wondering if I could please be added to the list? I am using Aspire and am just starting out with my xcarve.


Could I try this feature?
I use SolidWorks.

I know I am late to the party but I would love to try this!

Hello everyone, i have been trying like crazy to find a way to import g code to easel but no success so far until i came across with this post!!! please add me to the list i would really like to try the g code tool
thank you:)

oh, im trying to use F- engraving to generate g-code

May I have access to this please?

I would also love to give this a go. Can I please have access? Thanks.

I also would like to do some g-code importing, thanks!
Oh, and is it possible to make a standalone Easel App? So i don’t need internet when i run out to the shop?

I would like to try this please on my v-carve…thanks

I’d like to use the g-code import feature. Using Vectric.


Please add me to the list - looking fwd to try the feature

Thanks, Gernot

How can I add the easel post processor in Fusion 360 on a Mac? i can only find options for a PC that don’t work for mac.

Please include me for access.

I’m running a mac and here is the post in the Fusion 360 Forum I used to get it to work.


Please enable this feature for me!

Universal g code sender works for me sometimes with v carve pro. Then drills holes the next time (same file) then miss aligns text the next.

Please send me a way to use easel as a post processor for my x carve 1000x1000! Easel works every time but I can’t draw what I want to make in Easel.

Best Regards

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Will this work with CAMBAM?

thanks. that was the same solution i found after hours of searching and i finally got it to work properly.

I’d love to have access please! :grinning: Having huge issues with Aspire and hope this will fix it!