[NOW LIVE] [new feature] G-code sending through easel

I’m not sure why i have not be added to your list so i can try this feature in Easel ! This is my 4th try.
Maybe I have been in in the wrong part of the forum>any way I would like to added to the list Please.
If it is not possible for me to be added please advise!

Regards,Harry W

Hi @HarryWilliams—you have access now.


Hi, can I get access to this feature? I’m using FlatCAM.

Many Thanks


Been testing the g-code sending with exports from Fusion 360. Ive been spending the last few days refining hte work flow and the last issue I encountered was the weird 1 inch offset when importing into Easel. Found the answer to that here… would be nice to put in a note during the Gcode import to look out for that for other unsuspecting users.

Theres one question I have now tho - when I import the g-code, then I’m done with it, or if I save it, either way, it ends up in the easel history. But if I open it at some future time, its just a blank workspace, no gcode or anything. Is this the way its supposed to happen? I’m not sure if somethings weird on my end.


I would like to use this feature, Thanks

It is the same for me as well. I have just been deleting the project because reopening it doesn’t do anything.


Looks like I was too slow to try a non-Easel program and I got kicked out of the cool kid club. Any way I can have access to this again, now that I bit the bullet and got Fusion 360? :smile:

@EricRowe, @MikeTryhorn, @RobertA_Rieke—you now have access to the g-code sending feature!

We don’t have a post-processor for FlatCAM, so you might want to check out the spec for Easel-compatible g-code to make sure your g-code meets Easel’s requirements. (It might take a little tinkering!)


I think the best way for now will be keeping everything in F360 and import it as and when the machining is done.

We’re still working out some details of the g-code sending workflow, and this sounds like some behavior that we might want to revisit. I’ll make a note of it. Thanks for the feedback.

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Might as well add me to the list :grinning:


I would like to give the G-code sending to Easel a try

Please let me send gcode in easel as well! Pretty please with sawdust on top?

I would love an invite, if possible. I’m trying to set up the 1m x 1m X-carve for a team of high school robotics students!

Could I get permission to get gcode importation in easel too please?

Hey, looky here! Another awesome thread from the great guys at Inventables! Can I get access to this @Zach_Kaplan? I’m interested in trying this with Fusion 360 and MasterCam.

@rodovich i would like to try this feature with fusion 360. thanks!

Could I get access aswell would be interested in trying with cut2d
