I’m not sure who you are asking this of, but I know I don’t. I assumed it was a feature that the Inventables staff still had to “turn on” for people wanting to try it???
Yes. andrew3 was already given permissions by paulkaplan unless his name was accidentally missed.
@KristinSmith, @Phil1 I’ve added you, just refresh and you should see it under “import”. @Andrew3 I’ve added you again, I may have missed you the first time. Give it another try.
I would like to try this G-code feature. May I please have permission to use it? Thanks!
Added you @ChrisMatus
Got it! I’ll get some feedback up once I run a few different projects! Thanks
Have you tried the latest updates of UGS?
I use VCarve all the time and send gcode to my system with UGS.
I have tried the new version [of UGS] and since there is no real user guide or explanation it is hunt and peck to figure out the proper way to use the new import to Easel seems like a simpler use for 99% of the people out there. I know it works fine for some, but me I have had UGCS cut thru a clamp, bore straight into a clamp the workpiece and the waste board before I could hit the estop and serveral other hickups my fault or not it is too many cooks in the kitchen.
I like to try it too!
Could I try this out? I’m working with Fusion 360
Sorry, does not appear for me.
I am using Fusion360 and would love to export the code to Easel. Can I try this out?
Yes please! Thanks
@CharlesLunetta sorry it looks like I missed yours last time. Just added it again. @JdDickinson, @KyleDuncan1, @TaylorStanley, @SebastianSchlecht you are in.
Can I have this feature enabled for me? I just received my Carvey and will be using fusion 360. Is there a guide available on exporting gcode for the Carvey using fusion 360 and is homing and auto-zero automatically generated or must I take some specific step to enable it if using Fusion 360.
Can I try this feature? sounds great!
Likewise. I have had my Carvey for three days and love it. Will be pulling down Autodesk 360 to play with fun designs.
I would like to give it a try. I have used F-engrave with Gcodesender.
howdy Paul and team, get me on this train! Starting to use Fusion 360 for some things and this would be a great feature add. Thanks!
I wouldn’t mind testing this out too thanks