[NOW LIVE] [new feature] G-code sending through easel

can I get the import also? Fusion 360 user.

I would love to be able to use the Gcode import function - Fusion360 user here.

Brent S.

I would love to ty this feature as I have used V-carve for several years.

Gordy T

Everyone who requested access to this point should now have it. Please let me know if I missed anyone.


Hey, is this the official way of requesting access? I would love to try this out!

@steven - This is currently the official way. You now have access!

I would like to try as well !

By the way, when will it be released Officially?

@NobuyoshiSaito: you have access! I can’t give an exact date on when this feature will be officially released, but it is not very far away.


I have notice a major usability flaw with the G-Code Import.

  1. If you g code already already has no “safety height”, Easel will force your Z-axis to be higher than it should.
  2. If your g code has no M3 commands, I.E. no spindle, Easel will force your spindle to turn on.

Basically the G-Code import CANNOT be used with laser g-code.
I like the pre-flight features built into the “Carve…” button, but it would be nice to skip all those.

hi jeff i would like to try this feature, could you grant access? thanks.

I’d like this feature please, thank you! I use Fusion 360

I would love to try this with fusion360 as well thanks

Fusion360 user here, would also like to give this a try!


Whoa, I completely missed that. I’d love to get access to that as well!


Yes please.

I have been using Fusion 360. I would love to try this.

Everyone who recently asked for access now has it.


Oh I would love to have this capability! Would you please enable it for me?

Hi @JeremyJohnstone,

  1. You could try setting your safety height to 0 under “Machine / Advanced”
  2. If you set your spindle control to “Manual” under “Machine,” Easel should not issue any M3 commands


Hi @JoshuaSnyder, you now have access!
