(Old) Lead Screw Upgrade Kit (OLD THREAD)

I keep checking this thread to see some detailed reviews/tests, would love an upgrade if it is worth it and others have good results

There should be a few reviews coming up. They said they wanted to put it through its paces before actually posting it. Even though that takes more time it brobably will generate a more accurate assessment.

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As awesome as it would be I just came a hair away from a crash at 9000mm/m. Best setting is 4K-4.5k! Any faster and @PhilJohnson will be correct yet again. He warned me of imminent doom if I were to do that. You will need lager steppers to overcome the friction on the v wheels, he said. The man was right. :cry:

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Any video of it hauling ■■■?

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Check my YouTube channel. May be on there already.

I see the backlash tests and first movements, seeing it cutting stuff out would be pretty dope

WAITING!!! :grin:

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Exactly what i was doing . lol.

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You should “step” on it.

… see what I did there? I invest in cheese.


Can you post you feeds and speeds? It sounded like you were going easy on her :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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What should he try next?

75 ipm
.25 doc
50% step over.
Then dial up the ipm by 5s

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Agreed. Bit deflection is key. However on a 1/4 inch bit I have never broken one on wood or mdf. Only in aluminum.

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Crank it up.



Let 'er buck!
I may even pony up for the screws upgrade after this!

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Hmmm, so I’m left wondering if it’s cheaper and easier to upgrade to Steel-belted radials (Phil’s 9mm) or switching to a lead screw kit.

the accuracy is incomparable. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Easy. Shim up with 3/4 mdf until ur happy.

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WHAA WHAAA WEEEE WHAA! Would you look at that! More to come soon P:


Ok folks. For those that have switched to this screw drive vs belts. How much better is it really?