I think its awesome.
Anytime you can do something for the grand puppies its very fulfilling.
Another gift idea. This has a curved back which made it a little tricky to clamp down. Never tried anything this small before
HD - High Dollar (vs Harley Davidson)
Just tried out Phil’s design of the sharpie pen holder. Love it! This will open up more ideas to try. I just set the doc to 1mm
This is my first project with VCarve Desktop that my wife got me for Christmas. Now a gift for her. This is straight off the cnc. For all those thinking about this software, the learning curve is not as bad as I thought. Now off to painting
Looks like you did a great job both in the carving and drawing.
I love it! Way to go. Glad I could provide some inspiration. Lol
great carve.
but I’ve got to ask.
why did you not limit the carve depth to .030 or .060?
that way the ears would not have been so deep.
or did you do that on purpose?
Still learning the program and all the things that is capable of. The depth looked good when I viewed it on the screen. The actual carve does look too deep. It’s all about learning. This was my first carve
I also am concerned about how thin the lines are and how shallow those lines are in the small heart and the body of Mickey and Minnie. I’m afraid that they will sand out
I will try that. I really don’t want to loose the detail
Wow I love it!! I have stained and letting the sealer dry now
So I " borrowed " your idea and printed a card with the sharpie holder and ultra fine point Sharpies.
Thanks Phillip and Phil !!
Wow, that is really nice! You did an excellent job
Thanks, hope the wife appreciates it . I made a wooden Mothers Day card for her last year that she really liked. Decided to do something different for Valentines.
The final results. Phil, I used your paint method of stain, seal, paint then wipe off excess with a fair amount of success. Some of the lines were just too shallow. I did find a paint marker that allowed the control I needed and a minimum of wiping. I hope the wife likes it.
if she does not i know my wife will, good thing she is not a member of this forum or else i would be in trouble, and have another project on my “honey-do” list…lol
Nothing fancy, but it was time get all my bits out of the drawers. Just a scrap piece of plywood and a little time
I have been wanting to do this, but it is funny to see which bits you use the most!! Out of curiosity what is the projected shelf life of a bit ruffly. Obviously there are some exceptions but like ruffly how many hours of cutting should you get out of a bit in general if only using them for wood?