Phil's random vcarve posts (phil's projects)

BEAUTIFUL wreath Phil! How long did it take to carve this? Can my standard excarve with the free version of Easel carve a sign with multiple depths that overlap like the pic attached?381759202_rkw0


Wondering if you ever sleep Phil. :crazy_face:


Hereā€™s one I made for my sonā€™s driver


Yeah, I know. My wife always get driver some kind of ornament having to do with driving a bus. She didnā€™t know what she was going to do with this little bus she found so I said " Hey, I can come up with something." My youngest son has had the same driver for 5 and a half years. Heā€™s been great.

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Did you up your Z acceleration from 100 yet? Iā€™ve found the higher accel values make for a speedier smoother carve

Nicely done, as always!

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a laser would have been the better option then. Does that mean that the ones that did make the cut are so fragile that they may be unusable?
nice looking work in any case.

Iā€™ve had 3 friends ask for beads combs after seeing a company that makes them, but has them at $40. I guess their requests is good enough of an excuse to eventually get a laser lol. Awesome work again Phil.

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Yeah thats probably the best way to go.

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I like it. Makes it look meaner.

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Paint one of the teeth gold!


Sorry if you already answered this. But do you laser then cut or do you cut and then laser?

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Very cool!
Is that 1/8" or Ā¼" bamboo? Do you get it locally, or online?

Thatā€™s great to hear! Easily found and cheap!

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cool project Phil. Just cut those 3 teeth off of each side and then it is good for those of us with a goatee


How well does the tape come off the waste board after its been super glued to the other tape on the back of the cutting board?

Same as it would if it werenā€™t supergluedā€¦

Its just masking tape, youā€™re not doing anything to its adhesive properties.


Cool. Wasnā€™t sure if the glue would actually soak in a bit and youā€™d have to sand off the paper or scrape it off. Iā€™ll get around to trying it this weekend probably. Have a few orders to finish up from a couple days before Christmas that I told people would be after Christmas.

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Love the Eagle, how long did it take to design that?

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Wow took me and hour to transfer a Seabeeā€™s patch and get the gcode for it. I watched a utube video about how to do it. To bad I have Vcarve Pro and not aspire.