Rerun Easel Setup for X-Carve

How do you run back through the machine setup in Easel?

While initially going through the setup I found my z axis delrin nut was still a little too stiff for the motor to turn it, so I had to disable homing to get through the rest of the setup. After loosening the nut I’d like to run back through and setup the limit switches but I cannot find a way to do that.

Any ideas on how to enable auto homing/limit switches after you’ve already gone through the setup for the first time? Reset buttons, reinstall drivers?

p.s. this is also an Easel topic, but I wan’s sure which thread to add it to.

To get back to the Easel setup go to Easel

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Fantastic! Thanks Zach!

Please invent this feature for my checking account balance. :bow:


How long should this set up take? My system is basically twitching with no action at this point. My screen is stuck on the com port screen. It definitely recognizes com port 3 as it starts its twitching when I enter ‘3’. Nothing else seems to be occurring. Is there a hex code for xcarve that I can use xloader to upload?

It shouldn’t take that long. Try rebooting.

On my third reboot. I am crossing my fingers for the ‘third times a charm’ plan…

Nope…3 times your out. I am no longer even getting green lights. I get a blue light only at this point and no twitchting. I am done for tonight. ugh…sigh…maybe tomorrow.

Jeremy, I am pretty sure you have either a loose wire or a bad USB port or cable.

Easel Set Up a bust for first four tries, I have checked all my wires the motors are getting current so is my spindle yet, when I go to run my machine in the correct com port under set up it just gets stuck on the screen. Is there anyone else who is running into this error in Windows 8?


A few things you may want to step through:

  • Are you running Easel and UGS at the same time?
  • try different USB port
  • double check that the gShield is seated firmly into the proper pin hole in the Arduino
  • turn the voltage pots on on the gushily up just a small fraction

maybe one of these will catch the issue… otherwise at least they will be weeded out.

I have to reinforce @sketch42’s third point, I had the same problem as you on my initial setup and it was my gshield not sitting correctly in the Arduino, I had to unscrew the arduino from the mount to get it to seat correctly. Good Luck! I hope you get it figured out.


When Easel is on the setup screen where it says “Connecting to X-Carve,” all it is doing is trying to open the specified port (on Windows, that is–on Mac it automatically finds an Arduino port), then look for a response string from the arduino that identifies the controller (typically “Grbl [version]”). If it can’t do either of those things (open the port, see the proper response), then it will be “stuck” on this step.

If it’s stuck, we have to diagnose which of those things is failing. What I will usually do first is to close my browser and try connecting to the port from Universal Gcode Sender. For grbl 0.9 you have to connect at 115200 baud. If you don’t get the “Grbl [version]” response after opening the port, then there could be a few possible things wrong: grbl not properly flashed to the arduino, system not recognizing the arduino properly (drivers not installed?), hardware issue, etc. If you do see the “Grbl [version]” response, then Easel should be able to connect as well. It could be a possible port conflict (Easel can’t open the port because something else has the port open). The software team might have to take a deeper look at your log files if you can consistently connect from UGS but not from Easel.

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JeffTalbot- thank you for the feedback and help. I have now been able to get the UGS to connect and open. It reflects the ‘Jtech grbl’ is loaded. I will now try to get to the easel set up to see if that will reset the grbl.

X, Y, and Z green lights flash but nothing further happening. ‘Stuck’ back on the com 3 view. any other thoughts? Thanks!

Easel cannot connect to it if says “Jtech grbl.” Easel setup cannot flash the arduino. On another thread I posted a link to the wiki page explaining how to compile and flash grbl to the arduino. Did you follow those steps?

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I watched the video discussing loading grbl to the arduino software. I removed my arduino files and reloaded them. There is a library at the bottom indicating grbl. I still went ahead and downloaded the latest grbl from and attempted to add it as a library. of course it already has a grbl. I then went back to easel to see if it would do anything different. No luck. I went back to UGS and determined the JTech grbl is still loaded. so apparently I did not follow your guidance very well. I will go back and review…

Here is the link that documents the process I have used to compile and flash grbl. Note that at the beginning it says “NOTE: Before starting, make sure that any older installation of Grbl has been completely removed from the Arduino IDE.” I’ve never had to remove a previous installation from the IDE, but try looking for a button or menu option that clears the jtech library out before adding the the 9i one.

Thanks. At this point, I have been able to confirm that I seriously don’t know what the hell I am doing with arduino, grbl, IDE, etc etc. ughhhh. Of course I am trying to drive through completion of a project so the frustration just drives quicker. I need to get the laser to work today (primary goal at the moment) and then return my system. My consideration was to get the system back to normal and see if I could start over with the other process. I will just keep beating my head against the machine- at least it moves that way!

Success! I went to Shapeoko CNC Router, Rigid, Accurate, Reliable, and Affordable and downloaded the SO2 hex. I then used the Xloader to upload the hex file. After that Easel was able to connect. Whew! Thank you again JeffTalbot for your help!