I am trying to resolve a major issue with my 1000 mm X-Carve with regard to persistent random stops
Description of Problem
Whenever I run a new job there seems to be a 50/50 shot that the machine stops mid-job and I have to restart. Sometimes this behavior immediately follows a static shock to the frame, other times it happens after turning the spindle on/off, but the majority of the time it happens when I am out of the room, sometimes very shortly after i leave the room.
1000 mm X-Carve with the X-controller
Universal GCode Sender (Nightly build 1.2.2018) to great success until recently
Standard shop vac/dust shoe collection system
Steps taken so far
My first thought after getting shocked was that this was a grounding issue. I bought a static dissipating mat for where I stand in front of the machine. I attached wires to the router and each axis arm, routing them to my building’s Earth ground. This seemed to work at first, but I soon had another failed job. I then added another grounding wire to the chassis of the X-controller, but now the failures happened within a minute every time. If anything, my extra grounding steps made the problem worse.
I have put both my desktop computer and the X-controller on a UPS to mitigate any power fluctuations from the router, air conditioner, or other high amp appliance.
I have upgraded to a better, shielded, USB cable from my desktop to the x-controller
I have switched back to the latest stable release of Universal GCode Sender (1.0.9)
I disconnected the ground wire to the x-controller.
Currently the main grounding line is no longer attached to Earth ground
I have finally gotten this one job to finish, but to do so I had to leave the room and do everything remotely on the computer. It had already failed once before with this setup, so I think I just got lucky this time.
Is this even a static problem anymore? I never had these problems when using Easel, but it can’t handle all the functions I use. Is there a better setup within UGS to make the job more stable?