Thanks, I didn’t use the one in the forum I made a quick jig and drilled all the holes by hand. I plan to make a video explaining how to make the waste board sometime soon.
More progress… I know I’m going slow, but I want to take my time and get it right.
1 hour till ups opens ahhh bit my wasteboard won the here till Friday they missorted it and it went twords the east coast first. This last hour has been worse than the months
Hang in there, if it makes you feel better my order is only two weeks old! you will be enjoying yours long before the rest of us who waited too long to order!
Make sure to report your progress
After an hour of going at it or so I have the x carrage and the y plates done.
So far so good. I have an issue at this point with the GT2 belt. I purchased the 1000mmx1000mm upgrade so as I watched the video on the belting, I should have known better than to cut the 3 equal lengths of 2 feet. It should not have made sense to me, but I wasn’t thinking about it. I had enough belt left to get the X axis complete and moved on to the next step. I am up to the wiring and may tackle that tomorrow.
So what is the correct way to cut it? The written instructions don’t differentiate between the two sizes and the first paragraph is “Now that you’ve got the X and Y axes assembled let’s put belts on them. Start by cutting your belting into three equal lengths.”
with the 10000x1000mm version, they sent me a 12ft belt. In the written directions, it indicates to cut the belt into three equal lengths. When I cut them into 2 foot lengths per the video, I should have read the written details closer and determined the cuts would actually be four feet each.
And here’s where I’m ending for today. No belting just didn’t feel like it yet need to get shrinkwrap. No wiring again need shrinkwrap and a bit more 4 terminal 18g shielded wire so it will make it to my enclosure and the wasteboard wont get here till Friday due to a shipping missort at ups in IL
This is a problem in the instructions and should be identified more clearly as it is when you get to cutting the wiring. You are right it comes with a little over 12 ft and says 3 equal lengths in the written instructions however the video is a little bit misleading.
I just got mine moving smoothly along all axes tonight! I didn’t love the wiring at the end, but otherwise everything went pretty smoothly. And the intro walkthrough when you first open up Easel is outstanding, nice work on that.
I also made the 2 foot mistake from the video (they really need to add an annotation there ASAP (hint)), but luckily I realized my mistake as soon as I made it, so I only had to order one replacement belt section, which is easy to put in place after everything’s assembled (as long as you put in the belt clips when they tell you to, just don’t connect any belts to them).
And I only had one leftover screw, it was a single-bagged screw from the power supply box, I’ll go over the instructions again tomorrow to see what I might have missed…
All set now. I bought some belting on Amazon and it arrived a few minutes ago…almost done with the y-axis…awesome!
Yay! It is assembled!
I know I am slow, but I wanted to get it right and make sure I didn’t miss anything in the instructions or advice from this forum and it’s members. Plus, this is the first project of this specific type that I’ve taken on. It runs smoothly the first time; and so high praise is due to the Inventables team. Cheers to all you guys and gals who have put together a very nice machine with a super great support system.
I’ll post more elsewhere about my experience building the X-Carve as a sort of debriefing.
I hope mine looks half as good - very nice job with the wiring.
Have you ran a job on it yet ?
I haven’t run an official job on it yet, but here is an Instagram Video if it’s first run:
Looking Great ! Nice Job on the Wires! Taking your time was the right move and likely why you had less problems. A lot of the “troube” posts I have seen lately are a result of rushing and forcing things. What will you name her? or him? Like maybe “The Sketch Carve” ?
Thanks @DonDespain! I haven’t come up with a name yet… still thinking about what to call her.
Just finished installing my sacrificial wasteboard on top of my stock one. I’m used to just screwing down the sheets of plywood I work on, so this lets me do that, but if I want to work on a smaller piece using the clamps, I can pop this off and do that as well.
Also I’m starting to think that I installed my x-axis drag chain incorrectly, as I have some pretty big droop on the right side when the gantry is on the left, and I’m not seeing that in anyone else’s 1000mm build pics. I think if I just put a small piece of aluminum under the bracket and prop up the first joint or two, it should keep the rest of the chain from hitting my workpiece.
(1000mmX1000mm fully upgraded X-Carve)
AWESOME!!! She ran like a champ today for the first run. I used Easel for the project. Very easy. I still need to figure out where the limit switch details are in Easel. The wood was about 0.8" thick with 6"X12" framed letters. After about an hour and a half of run time, the X-axis and Y-axis had an issue with belt slack. This caused the machine to run down the first “L” like it was the “I”. I stopped the project and re-tightened the belts. I then set up a follow-on project to replace the damaged “L”. Once complete, I turned the whole thing over and sanded out the letters and frame. Unfortunately I was too aggressive with the sander so ended up with the frame cracking on me. So after all of that…I still say AWESOME! I will definitely have some lessons learned using this amazing tool. Thank you Zach for the opportunity. Thank you Tait for the tutorial! I will eventually provide some feedback on number differences in the parts versus the instructions. Nothing major, just had a few differences in my bag/part numbers versus the tutorial. Also, Well done to you and your shipping team! Very Respectfully, J.R. HILL, CDR USN (Northern VA)