Software Frustration Overload

Everyone was a beginner once, that was one of the original tenets of this community.

We’ve tried to document everything at: Shapeoko CNC Router, Rigid, Accurate, Reliable, and Affordable

Please let us know if anything is unclear, or if there’s something you’re looking for and not finding.

Thank you Zach. That sounds very exciting to me too. I look forward to the release.

I had a response from Will Winder too, the issue was the wrong Baud rate. Today Vcarve and Xarve are talking to each other through UGS. Hooray!!

Regards, James

Thanks James. Baud rate was the issue, but I note your helpful comments.

if it would help i can make a video on how to turn a simple line drawing onto a svg that easel would accept. so you would have the basic idea. then you could go from there.

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When I got my machine (and the month or so between when I ordered it and when it arrived) I pretty much glued myself to this forum. I learned so much here and by watching every Youtube video I could about this machine.

I consider myself kind of lucky as I have a background in print and graphic design, where I learned the concepts of pre-production and software workflows. So working with multiple programs to get a piece of work created wasn’t foreign to me.

We’re all here trying to help you get your machine working and turn your designs into real things, but I feel like perhaps you’re not giving us enough information to help you properly.

Every piece of G Code I’ve ever sent to my X-Carve was made with Easel. I’ve done very complex and very simple things with it, as have almost everyone here. But in order to help out, we need to see exactly what problems you’re having.

You say that you’re having problems importing files into Easel. What types of files exactly, and from which program?
Easel only accepts .svg files, and even then, you can’t have photos or images embedded in the file, and it works best if you don’t have any color either.

Can you share an example of what you’d like to work on?

We’re all glad you solved the problem. Don’t worry about, besides being Business Men, Zach has big hard. We’re all here to help each other. Don’t ever hesitate asking questions here. We all pass thru this. Welcome to community James.

It sounds like getting the machines and computers to communicate is difficult or fickle. Makes me glad I got one with usb and not parallel ports. Won’t have long till i can find out as mine just shipped. Ordered 7 days ago.