How do 24V Spindle wire connect to Spindle speed control (0-5VDC PWM or 0-10V) for X-Controller? Which one should it connect to either PWM or 0-10V? Give me a good diagram or example picture of this. Please let me know. Thanks. D
Do you have the same spindle that inventables sells?
Some more info would help us determine how to best help you.
Product Details
This speed controller is specifically designed for use with our Quiet Cut, DC spindles. It will not work with the AC powered routers or rotary tools. The speed can be controlled with a potentiometer or an external PWM source such as Mach3. We recommend 48VDC input for best performance with our Quiet Cut DC spindles.
external pwm means 0-5VDC PWM
Is there any intermediary device or solution to control the speed on the dewalt 611?
Search the internet for SuperPID.
No I have 24V spindle and I wish - I want Dewalt 611 so badly.
SuperPID is very well made and works incredibly well with the Dewalt router.
ok Question: How do 24V spindle wire connect to 0-10V? or what? Give me a good example diagram?
No I don’t have Dewalt 611.
The X-controller does not support the 24 volt spindle directly. You have to have an external speed controller to use PWM from the X-controller with the 24 volt spindle.
If you have the original Arduino/gShield electronics with the 24 volt power supply and associated Inventables power supply PCB you can use that to control the rpm of your 24 volt spindle using the PWM signal from the X-controller.
They outline how to hook up the 24 volt spindle. (Note: these are the old controller)
I assume its similar with the X-controller.
The X-Controller cannot power any spindle directly. It can only output control signals for spindles. These signal do not have the current necessary to power a spindle.
You could use a speed controller like this one. You could also use a relay like this one. Use the 0-5PWM to control either of those solutions.
Both solutions require a bit of wiring skill and electrical knowledge to implement and I would not recommend them to people not comfortable in those areas.
The stepper controllers take about 180w The spindle is about 300w so 400 watt power supply (whats in the X-controller) would not be quite enough at full power but would most likely work as your not really running the stepper drivers at max amps anyway.
There could be issues if he ran the drivers at full power and the spindle at its full power. (I have no way to test this but this is my best guess)
I would run a separate power supply for the spindle myself but thats just preference.
If he wanted PWM control then he would need a controller similar to what you suggested.
I assume he is knows basic wiring. If not then he should have gotten a pre-built system instead.
good grief $155. Something tells me that money would be better spent on a water cooled unit.
Wondering what if can the Arduino/ gShield electronics seperate? Can the 24V power supply with power supply PCB connect to X-contoller? How do the wire connect to PWM? Just curious.
I[quote=“DeanMelillo, post:15, topic:35258”]
How do the wire connect to PWM? Just curious
If you look at the original power supply that was supplied with the Arduino/gShield electronics it has an add on controller board attached to the front of it.
For this purpose you do not need the Arduino or the gshield, you would just use the power supply and add on Inventables controller board.
You would wire the 24 volt spindle as per the build instructions.
The black and yellow wires that came from the gShield into the PWM terminal on the power supply board would be replaced by wires from the X-controller PWM output.
PWM stands for “pulse width modulation”. I.E. the duty cycle of a 5 volt square wave. on time versus off time. Short on time and long off time = low spindle speed. Long on time and short off time = high speed. This is how light dimmers work in your house nowadays.