Touch Plate

Charley, your writeup helped immensely! The only thing I have to say is that for X and Y axis zeroing using your method, you have to change it to a negative (-) (the G38.2 X-.5 F1) this allows the X to move left in search of the touchplate, the same holds true for the Y…

M30;G38.2 X-.5 F1;G92 X.0625

M30;G38.2 Y-.5 F1;G92 Y.0625

it would depend on what you call the front I guess…Or which direction you installed the gantry

Can I ask where you got it for $20? Sorry If it says somewhere in here . . . Im new to here, and trying to learn everything!

Oh. . . DUH. Sorry, but thanks man!

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I’m having a weird problem trying to get my touch plate to work. When I enter G38.2 Z-.5 F1 into UGS my Z axis goes up. Changing to G38.2 Z.5 F1 also goes up.

Send the following:

G91 G38.2 Z-.5 F1

This puts it into incremental mode, so your machine will always send this command down.

The G91 puts it into incremental mode…

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Thanks that seems to have fixed my problem.

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Here’s a new video I made on doing XY and Z with a touch plate.

Hello, if your offer is still available i would also like to have the fusion file please !

Hi I would love a copy of the files. please . Will this work with UGS? and x-carve

I would really like the file if you still have it.

so you do not jogging the z access because I try to use touch plate but the spindle come down and not stop and continue to the point i set in jogging, i do not use code, is that will solve my problem.

I am sorry but I don’t understand your question. It sounds like you are saying that the bit does not stop when zeroing the Z axis. If this is the case,are you using a comma as a decimal separator or a dot?


I use pic sender to send g code to my x carve
I use up and down to set z , x and y
when I want to use touch plate the bit touch the plate and not stop
as you said you use code to do that
i am try to use up and down in z, x, and y
is using code instead jogging make different stop or not stop

Are you using a Triquetra Touch Plate?

Zeroing does not work with the jog buttons. it requires a gcode file written specifically for zeroing.

Zeroing will not work with the unregistered version of PicSender either.

I do not use Triqetra Touch plate
I have activated pic sender
can I use your code for zeroing z,x,and y

That touch plate does not support zeroing for the X or Y axis. You can use the following code to zero the Z axis but you will need to edit the code to indicate the height of this touch plate.

Fore use in Inch Mode:

G92  Z0
G38.2 Z-0.8 F3
G91 G0 Z0.05 F5
G38.2 Z-0.2 F3
G92 Z XXXX  (Replace the XXXX with the height of the touch plate in inches)
G91 G1 Z0.125 F30
G91 G1 X1 F30
G91 G1 Y1 F30

For use in Metric Mode

G92 Z0
G38.2 Z-25 F100
G91 G1 Z0.05 F750
G38.2 Z-17 F75
G92 Zxxxx  (Replace the xxxx with the height of the touch plate in mm)
G91 G1 Z3.75 F750
G91 G1 X25 F750
G91 G1 Y25 F750

Save the above code into a Windows Note Pad .txt document NOT a word processor.

Jog your machine so the bit is less than 1 inch above the touch plate…

Then load the file just like it was a carving file and run it.

Update to the newest version of PicSender (ver.3.2.1). It has a probe test feature that will let you test your probe is working. - PicSender

It also has built-in functions that will let you use the probe you have to set each axis zero independently of the other axes.

Finally, purchase a touch plate from Charley:

John Champlain