Two stage cuts

I think you forgot to add me

Nope. I’m easy to forget. Requesting 2 stage cut access again. Thanks.

I got forgotten too, @JeffTalbot please add me.

@JoeFicarri, @rpegg, @NickHomrich—you now have access to the two-stage carving feature.

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If possible could you please give us the ability also?

Any idea when it will become a permanent feature?

It may say someplace, but I skipped reading the last couple of hundred comments. 649 is just too many to read.



Please add me also

@GuyKass, @GlennMDutcher—you now have access to the two-stage carving feature.

I would love to be added to the test group if possible Thanks

@ChaseErvin: you have access now.

Would like to get access to this for our workflow.

Hi @PeterHanse, you now have access!

Do I have access?

Trying again… Please grant me access for 2 stage cuts. Thanks!

@geekdad63 and @chrismatus - you now have access!

Could I please get access to this? Thanks.

me toooo :slight_smile:

Please add me to the testing group. <g33k

Thats the one feature i’m really needing right now.

@BudHaffner, @WarrenFalzon, @TroyLandry: you guys have access!

Looks like I’m now ready for this feature.

Can you please grant me access as well?

Thank you!


I would love to be added to this test as well! Please!!! :grinning: So awesome!